The Scope World Series of Pop Culture Needs You

Are you able to recall all of Howard Hessman’s students on Head of the Class? Can you list the first-party games for the Nintendo Entertainment System by release date in reverse chronological order? Then The Scope wants you!

The Scope is now recruiting participants* for the 2007 edition of The Scope World Series of Pop Culture. We are looking for teams as well as individuals who are willing to challenge the defending champs for the crown. Shows will be taping in October and November, so contact us today!

*You must be in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN area to participate

Category: News  |  Time: 12:43 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on The Scope World Series of Pop Culture Needs You  |  

Scope episode 36 delayed for one week; hosts beg for forgiveness.

Yes, it’s true. In what some would call laziness (and that’s just what Adam says), we’re holding off recording and posting our latest episode of The Scope until the first weekend in September.

While this news more than likely brings great sadness, we’re happy to report that episode 36 will be jammed packed with all sorts of super fun content. As you read this very post, feel confident in knowing we’re preparing The Scope 2007 Fall TV Preview. We’ll tell you all you need to know about the upcoming television schedule. And we’ll do it with a smile. Or grimace.

We’ll also have a review of the late summer blockbuster, Superbad. Did we “get it” like all the young hip kids “got it?” You’ll just have to wait a few extra days to find out.

In the meantime, take a look at some of our exclusive online reviews, listen to old episodes of The Scope, and make a difference in the world. That’s really what it is all about.

Thanks for listening!

Category: News, Show Related  |  Time: 10:16 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

The Scope Puts Its Mark on CONvergence. Again.

Mike_scopecardOnce again — although in a much more subdued capacity — your Scope hosts (sans Adam, because he’s far too good for costumes, Dr. Who, and the combined smell of B.O. and nacho cheese sauce) crashed the festival known as CONvergence. For those of you that don’t remember, CONvergence is the largest sci-fi and fantasy convention in Minnesota. It’s quite a big to-do in the world of Midwestern geekdom, so we were happy to attend. To make things even more interesting, Jared’s band, Possible Oscar, performed a great set and had an equally great response. Along with semi-frequent Scope guest, John, Jared played a number of songs found on his album, The Wrath of Con, and premiered a new parody based on a U2 classic. Look for it on The FuMP July 13.

CONvergence wasn’t all business, however. There were obnoxious amounts of liquor (see picture of our good friend, Mike and his run-in with Scope marketing), Stormtrooper costumes, and G.I. Joe chest hair (thanks, Earl!… Thearl). And it is all documented in a sweet collection of photos. Take a look, and we’ll talk more about our nutty CONvergence experiences on the next episode of The Scope.

Read more

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 10:29 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 2  |  

VH1 Rips Off The Scope (But We Ripped Them Off First…)

Attention Scope Fan(base):

The second VH1 World Series of Pop Culture began this week. Color us surprised that a tiebreaker question between teams “The White Russians” and “Remo-Leen-Teen-Teen” was one we used on last year’s Scope World Series of Pop Culture.

The tiebreaker question: Steven Spielberg movies. It really is a case of life imitating art.

At any rate, tune into VH1’s spectacle this week (it really is a fun show for all of you pop culture nerds out there) and be warned: The second edition of The Scope World Series of Pop Culture will return this fall. Feel free to email us at The Scope if you are interested in competing AND if you’ve got some serious pop culture knowledge.

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 2:53 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

An Important Scope Announcement

We regret to inform you that The Scope Episode 30 will be delayed one week. Because of impossibly busy schedules, we’ve decided to postpone the episode in order to give you, the loyal listeners, the best show possible.

Because of the delay, we’ll be making a few adjustments to Episode 30. First, the cryptic reference to the year ‘1992’ will be explained in Episode 31 so that we can instead bring you the 2006-2007 Television Review in a timely fashion. Second, we will be foregoing the review of “King of the Hill” and instead bring you a review of one of today’s hottest music releases. Also, you can look forward to tales of Jared’s cross-country convention adventure.

In the meantime, don’t forget to take a look at all of our latest online reviews (including the Saturday Night Live Season wrap-up and the review for Guitar Hero II.) We’ve also got a great poll and we always welcome any comments, both via online and  voice mail.

From all of us at The Scope, we offer our deepest apologies for the delay. Episode 30 will be available Monday, June 4th. Thanks for listening!

Category: News  |  Time: 3:49 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 3  |  

Warning: The Scope’s One Year Anniversary is coming!

Did last week’s Scope show blow your mind? Well, you’ve got just one short week to gather up all of your brain matter, skull fragments, and other assorted innards and reassemble them into some sort of functional head.


Because next Monday, The Scope is going to blow your mind all over again!

Things will never be the same as The Scope officially turns ONE YEAR OLD! While we may not have party balloons and funfetti cake, things are going to get crazy.

So get ready, Scope faithful. In just seven short days, The Even All-Newer, All-Betterer Scope arrives!

Category: News  |  Time: 9:54 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |