Episode 106: Songs That Changed Lives And The Lack of a Clever Title

What happens when one forgets the notes he scribbled during an episode of The Scope? Well, it starts with an episode title void of any really comedic value. And what about the show description? Well, that’s a lost cause, as well.

So let’s go with what we know for sure. This episode, The Scope takes an emotional journey looking back at songs that changed their lives. It’s a reasonable call your favorite hosts don’t include the most life-changing song of all, Debbie Gibson’s “Electric Youth” in the segment. That would require more brutal honesty than they are willing to give.

It’s also a safe bet your hosts cover some news, talk about politics, and review a great (or not-so-great) current release from a band or solo act that may or may not be relevant this time next year. All in all, it sounds like a pretty awesome episode. You guys should really listen.

And that’s what you get when the show notes are left at home, next to the Star Wars toys and the Voltron robots.

The Scope episode 106 may be forgetful, but The Brickhouse will stay in Shane’s mind forever.


2 ¾ Stars – AnglesThe Strokes

Scope Sounds:
“Earworm” – Devo Spice feat. MC Lars

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

One Comment on “Episode 106: Songs That Changed Lives And The Lack of a Clever Title”
  1. bishop said:
    April 14th, 2011 7:38 AM

    Thanks a fuck of a lot fellas. How the hell am I not going to get my brain to not think “Li-too-chay” every time I see lettuce now? Well played, you fiendish wordburglers.