Episode 147: Let’s Get Medium Active With Thomas The Ghosthunter Part 1

Episode 147 of The Scope brings back friend of the show, Thomas (aka TKT) with stories of his latest interest: ghosthunting. In the first part of a two part interview, Thomas will tell tales of how he got interested in the paranormal, what it takes to be a hunter of ghosts, and where he’s gone to find said ghosts. It’s a spooky and ooky affair.

But, because we have so much content to share, we don’t stop with ghosts. Of course you’ll get a healthy dose of Under The Scope and Hit It Or Miss It. Yes, we’re all that. You don’t need to say it because we know already.

The Scope episode 147 thinks there might be something to those floating orbs in all those ghost photos…we don’t care what Thomas says.

Check out Thomas’ website! Read his words! Buy something! Send him a message! Just do something (nice), people!

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

2 Comments on “Episode 147: Let’s Get Medium Active With Thomas The Ghosthunter Part 1”
  1. Luke Ski said:
    August 19th, 2013 8:02 PM

    The way I see it, I am not in any way legitimately famous, I am just a big fish in a specific small pond.

    It should be pointed out that Jared Ringold and his bands have been responsible for creating the backing tracks to many of my most popular songs, including, but not limited to, “You Don’t Know Jack”, “Snoopy The Dogg”, “The Ballad Of Optimus Prime”, “A Man Named Jayne”, “Vader Boy”, and many more.

    Thanks for all the support over the years, with or without air quotes. 🙂

    – Luke

  2. Madmike said:
    August 20th, 2013 9:39 AM

    Ghost’s at night.

    As a ghost hunter myself I can offer some possible answers to a few questions.

    Why are ghosts only at night. There not. They would be there all the time. Why do you hunt at night. Because of the sun. Ever try to project a image onto a wall in the middle of a bright sunny day. You can’t see jack. The point of going on a ghost hunt is to try to see them. In the middle of the day the sun is likely to wash away anything you might see. So ghost hunts happen at night.

    It’s also good for recording sounds. People tend to shut up at night so all the sounds around us all the time are reduced allowing for more quiet and being able to pick up smaller sounds.

    There is some possibility the sun affects ghosts the same way it does short wave radio transmissions or even in some other way. Or not, who knows, definitely not enough data to really tell.