Episode 24: Peanut sized kidney stones!

In this episode: Valentine’s stuff, Kidney stones, Over-rated… Overated? Overrated? Things that aren’t as good as most people think. Oscar Picks, The George Lopez show (or in Spanish, The George Lopez Show).

Totally Overrated
The idea that Sgt Pepper’s is a concept album

Godfather series, American Beauty
Best Week Ever

Shaun of the Dead

Scope Sounds: “Different” – New London Fire

Children of Men – 3 1/2 stars
Idiocracy – 3 stars

The George Lopez Show – 1 star

Chinese Internet Addiction!
One in Three Boys are heavy porn users
Shane’s entry for supposedly funny bomb story of the week

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:38 pm (CST)  |  

10 Comments on “Episode 24: Peanut sized kidney stones!”
  1. G Love said:
    February 27th, 2007 7:54 AM

    Best way not to get something overrated. “Don’t believe the hype”. If you have high expectations on something, it will inevitably let you down. I felt that way about “Goodfellas”. Everyone I talked to seemed to think it was the best mob movie ever made. I grew up with the Godfathers, and loved them(yes, even part III), and heard that Goodfellas was better on so many levels. I finally saw it in my late 20’s(yeah it took me awhile), and thought “mehhhh”. Not horrible, but not the amazing thing that everyone else had made it out to be.
    Realize that people are going to fixate on things that they love, and that thing might not be for you. If you have lower standards you might like it more.
    And yes, I did like “Shaun of the Dead”. not the greatest thing, but enjoyable. Best way to do satire is to find something you love and tweak it, and I think they did that. Of course I saw it before the hype, so maybe that colored my expectations of it.
    And p.s. Adam doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to the Beatles.

  2. Al said:
    March 1st, 2007 7:00 PM


    The Doors
    Krispy Kreme
    John Belushi
    Reading the comics
    Getting seasoned sour cream with waffle fries
    Riding 4-wheelers

  3. Al said:
    March 1st, 2007 9:08 PM

    Correction: Reading comic strips (boy, I’d get some crap on this site for saying reading comics).

  4. March 6th, 2007 1:45 PM

    krispy kreme is indeed overrated and adam totally knows what he is talking about when it comes to the beatles.

    also overrated: tapes n’ tapes.

  5. Al said:
    March 7th, 2007 6:07 PM

    I really like TNT, but yes they are indeed overrated like most bands who get annointed royalty after one album. Another addition to overrated: Pulp Fiction (way too much hype before I saw it. Good movie, not superior to all.

  6. Kerri said:
    March 10th, 2007 11:31 AM

    Fab Show guys! I agree with Adam about the Beatles and the American Beauty. WOW Shane is kinda right Adam does grow on ya.

    I do have to disagree that Earl is overrated. Earl was just born during the wrong decade or so. If he would have been born about 5-7 years earlier I think he would have given Gary Coleman a run for his money.

    Jared’s humor and timing is AWESOME! I may need to go back and listen to a few show to see what I missed from the understated Jared.

    Shane, oh poor Shane….. 🙁 hope your feeling better.

  7. G Love said:
    March 12th, 2007 3:01 PM

    How can the Beatles be overrated? Name another band who released as many #1 singles, #1 albums, in as short a time that completely changed the face of popular music? Led Zeppelin? Nope. Nirvana? uh-uh. The Rolling Stones? Maybe for longevity, but in an 8 year period they didn’t even compare with the Beatles output. 13 albums in 8 years. All of which have stood the test of time? Sorry guys. The Beatles are many things, but overrated isn’t one of them.
    I can understand that you might not like The Beatles sound(music is subjective), but how can you say they are overrated? Impossible I tell you. Impossible.

  8. a jaclyn said:
    March 18th, 2007 9:41 PM

    Is it tomorrow? I’ve been holding my breath for the next Scope–please please let it be tomorrow!

  9. Wyngarde said:
    April 2nd, 2007 12:11 PM

    Shane, you’re crazy. ‘Shuan Of The Dead’ cannot be praised enough. You just mad becasue it’s 100 times better than the ‘Dawn’ remake or ’28 Days Later’ (Sandra Bullock wasn’t even in the sequal here!)

    Overrated: Adam doing anything…

  10. anonymous said:
    April 4th, 2007 3:28 PM

    A little late, but Kate Winslet has never won an Oscar. Sorry, boyz, but you were wrong.