Episode 30: The 2006-2007 Television Review

We take a look back on the latest year in television. Shane retells the story of taking his daughter to see a movie (this is edgy stuff folks). And Jared swims in a sea of cute girls with shaved heads.

2006-2007 Television Review
Show of the Year:
3rd Place: Heroes
2nd Place: Friday Night Lights
1st Place: The Office

A Harry Potter theme park coming soon to Orlando.
Battlestar Galactica ending after next season.
Lots of Wii Virtual Console downloads – and Zelda 2 this week.

1 1/2 starsMaroon 5It Won’t Be Soon Before Long – 1 1/2 Stars

“Breakup Song” – The Wilwaukees
Scope Sounds: “Pillagers” – Sudden Death

Scope Poll
Should we continue to do The Scope Poll?

  • Yes
  • No

Remember you can now comment via phone! Give us a call at 206-350-7056 and leave a message. Drunk Dialers Preferred. Of course you can still email us at comments@thescopeshow.com or post below.

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 7:28 pm (CST)  |  

9 Comments on “Episode 30: The 2006-2007 Television Review”
  1. June 5th, 2007 9:47 AM

    […] things that happens when you fling yourself out onto the information superhighway I guess. Anyway, check it out. And, as always, we are very podcast friendly, so feel free to spin our stuff if you’re doing […]

  2. Nicky said:
    June 5th, 2007 2:30 PM

    Fun show and informative about the past TV season. For someone like myself who doesn’t what to much it’s nice to get the run down of what’s good, bad and otherwise so then I know what to catch in reruns.

    Also, if you guys decide to do a show at Convergence and a need a home base for it, you can gladly use the MarsCon party room if you want (and of course if it fits whatever technical needs the show requires). Just thought I would toss out the offer.

  3. Jim Bob Joe Pants said:
    June 5th, 2007 4:34 PM

    Invite me to the studio. I’m gonna kick that Adam’s ass.

    Jim Bob

  4. Kerri said:
    June 6th, 2007 10:51 AM

    Woman in MN are not as ‘put-together’ as those on the East Coast. Woman can act but can’t sing, their terrible AND shouldn’t be ALLOWED too.

    HMMM…I don’t recall seeing woman bashing on The Scope description. ๐Ÿ™

    That aside I very much agree with the Maroon 5 review it is over produced. The new Linkin Park is great and I would love to hear what you have to say about it Jared.

    Great recap of the year in Television and Adam you did make it interesting. Interesting is not the word for it… You made it riveting. I love the fact that Shane and Jared stay with non-cable show and to mix it up you throw in the cable ones.

    I understand the need to keep The Scope Poll to two options but maybe expanding it? Try different questions? Try off week polling? Poll results only on Web instead of as a bit to draw people to the web so that they then can leave a comment..more ideas if your interested.

    An okay show.

  5. adam said:
    June 6th, 2007 4:38 PM

    Can I fight Garry through the comments on here again about something?

    And to the commenter above inquiring about a fight; I don’t fight people named Jim Bob. Or people with more than one first name. Or with ethnic sounding names. Or names with vowels in them.

  6. Wyngarde said:
    June 7th, 2007 1:29 PM

    Ouch! Brutal! I thought I felt knives in my back…man not in studio easy target, the old saying goes…

    As usual, The Scope Show, twists my words like a braided twizzler!

    Shane: I thought you knew me…One day, Bay will direct & re-imagine a ‘Robotech’ movie and you can be excited for it.

    Adam: You hate me no matter what for no reason at all and don’t give me a chance, so I’ll give up here. Hey! I’m Adam’s Transformer!

    Jared: How many movies have we watched together? C’Mon bro! I thought you my boy in the studio?

    I’ll see it and it’ll get the fair judging. You punk-asses…But if the previews look like shit, I’ll say it does. Not going to blindly embrace it just because E.W. tells me to. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Here’s the Friday post for you listeners to help set the record stright:


    They forgot to mention the other 19 films on the list and that I explain my case as well as fully admit Transformers MAY be a good movie.

    (And yes, I said all this with a smile…)

  7. Holly said:
    June 8th, 2007 4:39 PM


    This is the poll Earl is was talking about. I think there is a lot of press and buzz about the movie over at Yahoo, or there is just a different demographic.

  8. Gary said:
    June 11th, 2007 10:31 AM

    I’m not commenting anymore. You guys never ready my arguments on air and then all you tell your listeners is that you won.

    Hardly Adam. Hardly.

    Still a listener though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. adam said:
    June 12th, 2007 10:37 PM

    Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm not commenting anymore. You guys never ready my arguments on air and then all you tell your listeners is that you won.

    That’s cool. Just know that I take this to mean you recognize that I WIN.