Episode 35: Another game stolen from the Internets

On this episode we debut a new (to us) game, based on the one you may have heard on I Love Movies, Doug Benson’s old podcast. Molly stops by again, as well as a return visit from John and Earl.

XBox Price Cut!
Microsoft adds HDMI to the top end XBox 360.
Man sneaks monkey into airport. Hilarity ensures.
Ladies strongly prefer pretty men to tough men… ok but what about the rest of us?
Woman vs. Raccoon.

1 1/2 starsHansonThe Walk – 1 1/2 stars
2 1/4 starsSilverchairYoung Modern – 2 1/4 stars

“Back to Hollywood” – Munk
Scope Sounds: “Windy City Nights” – The Winter Sounds

Remember you can now comment via phone! Give us a call at 206-350-7056 and leave a message. Drunk Dialers Preferred. Of course you can still email us at comments@thescopeshow.com or post below.

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

5 Comments on “Episode 35: Another game stolen from the Internets”
  1. Scott said:
    August 13th, 2007 2:39 PM

    So much chaos… Your coming soon and reviews should include more video games!

  2. August 13th, 2007 3:10 PM

    molly rules. make her permanent!

    i wanna be on one o them trivia shows next time you have one!

  3. Gary said:
    August 14th, 2007 2:26 PM

    It seems that drinking and the Scope go as well together as Sparkles and Michael Bay. Or Sparkles and anything. 🙂 J/K Sparkles.

    Molly likes Rilo Kiley? Awesome. 🙂
    Operation Molly is in full effect.

    (This is directed to Adam) And Adam and I like a same band? New Pornographers? Even more awesome.

    Okay, really, not as awesome as Molly.

    And I’ve listened to (at least) the last 20 episodes. I guess that means I’m a faithful listener.

    I’ll catch ya on the flip-flop.

  4. a jaclyn said:
    August 15th, 2007 11:03 AM

    Tempted to try the drunk dialing while on vicodin, but don’t have enough to speak of. I support the chainsaw-wielding Hansons more than the singers as well. I’m still on Brian’s Pop Culture challenge team, right? Can’t do it ’til after RenFest is over, as I’ll be busy every weekend until October.

  5. Kerri said:
    August 24th, 2007 6:22 AM

    I actually love the chaos and the drinking. Good show folks.

    Shane -awesome
    Jared -awesome
    Molly -awesom-est
    John -WOW amazing knowledge
    Earl -is there something in the book of o’movie he doesn’t know?
    Adam -is Adam….
