Episode 39: A Better, Faster, More Productive Adam

Bostonian ADAMatic comes into the studio, wowing everyone by being funnier than Adam, while keeping all of that dry wit. Plus he works for 1/10th the cost. Are robot replacements in store for all of us?

Plus, we take a look back at the year 1983. While you might think the cultural highlight of that year was the arrest of high ranking Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie, others may remember it as the year that Björn Borg retired, Tennessee Williams passed away, Tom Brokaw became the the lead anchor for the NBC Nightly News, among other things.

**Note: Our next episode is scheduled to be posted on November 5, not November 12 as alluded to in the show.

Random Year In Review: 1983
Shane: National Lampoon’s Vacation
Jared: Octopussy

Shane: The Police – Synchronicity
Jared: Motley Crue – Shout at the Devil

Spielberg Is One Busy Guy
The world’s gonna end? GIMME SOME FRENCH FRIES!
There are were companies EA didn’t own
JJ Abrams’ “Star Trek” casting news
It really is 1983! Police news

Random Review
3 starsAliens in America – CW Monday 8:30E/7:30C – 3 stars

“Out of Town” – Harvey
Scope Sounds: “Sugar Assault Me Now” – Pop Levi

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Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

7 Comments on “Episode 39: A Better, Faster, More Productive Adam”
  1. Kerri said:
    October 17th, 2007 1:21 PM

    Hmmmm…how do I say this…kinda disappointed.

    Let me start this again.

    1.The two man show was entertaining.

    2.I enjoyed the year in review. I was hoping for an appearance from Hillbilly Jared but got ADAMatic instead. Always changing it up…That’s good.

    3.And Okay, we (meaning the Jared fans) have been asking for more Jared for a while and got it. But Shane do you actually do anything, other then talk? (okay, this one a little too harsh and I am kidding. Shane, you did an outstanding job with pacing and research.)

    4.Where I’m disappointed are minor points and please keep in mind I have a despotic personality. Waiting until Wednesday to get the new show and then being informed that The Scope Show is skipping a taping cycle. Crazy.

    Things happen, completely understand, scheduling things, other projects, Life in general make it very difficult for the type of show you put on. I get that. I would like to just see a bit more consistency with the posting of the show that is all.

    I know I can always listen to a past show if I’m in need of a Jared, Adam and Shane fix and do (I have a favorite or two). However, it’s just not the same. Again despotic personality from a mean person you shouldn’t care.

    Thank you so much for the hard work that you put into your show and the endless entertainment you provide. It’s not easy, by far, but you make it seem easy!

  2. Eddie Milkas said:
    October 20th, 2007 3:03 PM

    1: I like the two man show. It cuts down on the crosstalk. 2: “RoboAdam” aka ADAMatic was a rip of the “Steven Hawking” announcer from last years “The Zone” podcast. Kinda like a “been there, done that” thingy. 3: A most of all a technical question. Why isn’t the show in stereo? I’m sure you have the equipment to let us enjoy the music and talk (mics panned left & right) for that full rich sound. I’d like to hear more impersonations from Jared. I mean, come on. He’s freakin’ great! Other than that, I love the show. Always have, always will.

  3. Jared said:
    October 20th, 2007 3:17 PM

    ADAMatic was a last minute gag we threw in for fun. Eddie, I’m sorry that you felt is was a rip off; it was never intended as such as I am unfamiliar with the original source you cited (I must have missed that episode), and even then I’m sure using speech synthesis as a character pre-dates its use on “The Zone.”

    The use of mono is an effort to keep file size down on a show that is mostly talk. The show is recorded in stereo and could certainly be presented that way if there was sufficient demand.

    Finally, thanks for loving us, Eddie, in a way only a platonic Internet-man can. I’ll try to work more voices into the show.

  4. Adam Lazlo said:
    October 20th, 2007 10:28 PM

    I liked the two-man show. You guys have the form and structure of the show down so playing around that works in this case. Now, when there are several sit in guests it can get a bit crazy and demanding but that’s okay once and awhile.

    What am I going to do during the long break? What do I have to look forward to? Bummer. Maybe about time to catch up on a few I missed last year.

    Love the show! Keep it up because it makes me jealous.
    — Adam Lazlo

  5. October 23rd, 2007 4:29 PM

    adam’s former guitar was smashed at a rock show on saturday.

    true story!

    take THAT, adam!

  6. Kevin said:
    October 25th, 2007 5:12 PM

    Adamatic was a brilliant addition to the show. I fear your days are numbered.

    As semi-official sponsor of the show I’m wondering if I should be providing open source code in the future rather than Ace’s Best Cider.

    A month is a long time to wait for the next episode, but the personal guarantee from you that it will be the best ever gives me hope.

    Oh, and you made me feel really old again. I was at the Shout at the Devil concert at the Civic Center back in ’83. As I recall Dokken opened for them. It was one of the better metal concerts I attended back in the mullet days.

  7. Gary said:
    October 27th, 2007 11:57 AM

    Dare I say it???

    I missed Adam?

    Maybe a little. But only cuz he likes the Pixies.

    Wow. I listened to 2 shows in one day. I’m scoped out.