Episode 40: Get ready to hear “You’re Simply the Best” 94 times!

Lots of new baby and requisite Halloween talked, followed up by the spewing of the “F” word… no the OTHER “F” word. Oh and Shane gloats about picking “Viva Laughlin” to get canceled first.

Most importantly, 5 grown men yell, shout, and scream about such noble topics as what’s the best comic book movie, insulting word, Spielberg movie, and maybe even a Tina Turner song!

Oink.cd goes down, we all go to jail. Trent Reznor on the run
TV Writers strike means more Reality TV
E. coli fears prompt recall of millions of frozen pizzas
NBC Planning Major Office Expansion
Joss Whedon talks about His New Series
Spore coming to the Wii… someday
Gamer Codes to stay. No Hard Drive in sight for Wii
PlayStation 3 losses now over $1 billion

Random Review
Smallville – CW Thursday 8:00E/7:00C – 1 1/2 stars

“Mustang Daddy” – Jinx Titanic
Scope Sounds: “Autumn Song” – Manic Street Preachers

Remember you can now comment via phone! Give us a call at 206-350-7056 and leave a message. Drunk Dialers Preferred. Of course you can still email us at comments@thescopeshow.com or post below.

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

5 Comments on “Episode 40: Get ready to hear “You’re Simply the Best” 94 times!”
  1. Kerri said:
    November 6th, 2007 1:38 PM

    WOW! What a phenomenal show gentlemen.

    The game “Simply The Best” is…simply the best. LOVE the lighting round…that’s a keeper.

    Favorite “-isms” from the show
    “Frank’n B*tch”
    “Target Fu**ers”
    “Robot B*tch”
    “You Want to fu*ck’n Go…”
    “the Cat Puncher comes out”

    Next episode tell me before and beer is on me.

  2. Kevin said:
    November 7th, 2007 5:36 PM

    Sure Kerri, steal my Scope Corporate Alcoholic Beverage Sponsorship gig. For a while I was important, now I’m no one.

    It was a fun show and Frankenb*tch is now part of my drive time tirades. Thanks Earl.

    Oh, and while I really enjoyed the “Simply the Best” segment, as I told Jared, a HATE that song. Ouch.

  3. Kerri said:
    November 8th, 2007 9:12 AM

    By all means Kevin I digress to your Scope Corporate Alcoholic Beverage Sponsorship gig and bake cookies for them.

  4. Gary said:
    November 10th, 2007 6:10 PM

    You had me until the end of the show. Now I hate Jared.

    No, not really. He’s in control of Robo-Adam. That gives him a little pull.

    You know what else gives Jared a little pull?

    Jared’s hand.



  5. AdamLazlo said:
    November 13th, 2007 8:36 PM

    Very flattering, thanks guys! Group hug!!