Episode 46: Three Hosts and a Baby

It’s been like a month, but The Scope returns with a full on 10/10, A+++++ WOULD BUY FROM AGAIN, fantastical episode for the record books. Earl, Holly, and Steve drop by to talk about all of the MarsCon shenanigans. Adam talks about working for the first time in over a year, and surprise, thinks he’s already the best.

STDs won’t stop kids from bangin’.
Hey Oklahoma, you’re not OK!
Torture, though, is totally OK.
Mario Kart Wii gets a release date.
Google Sky: it’s like Google Maps, but you can look up.
Trailer for The Incredible Hulk is released.
This year’s “Rushmore”? Son of Rambow trailer released.
Rick Rolling fun.

3 starsVampire WeekendVampire Weekend – 2 3/4 Stars

“Longer” – Sudden DeathListen on The FuMP
“Press Start to Continue” – Possible OscarListen on The FuMP
Scope Sounds: “Living On A Roll And A Prayer” – Hot WafflesListen on The FuMP

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

7 Comments on “Episode 46: Three Hosts and a Baby”
  1. March 18th, 2008 12:17 PM

    Thanks for playing our new tune. But no, Earl should not be raising his head up high after his amp bit the dust.


  2. Nicky said:
    March 19th, 2008 6:38 AM

    Just for the record, the potato chip eating person in sweats was not part of the wedding party or the wedding.

    Have a few other comments but I shall leave it at that.

  3. Angie said:
    March 19th, 2008 6:45 PM

    Jared gets his mojo back, and The Scope gets another regular listener. Everybody wins! Now I’m having fun listening to back episodes; it feels a bit like spying.

  4. Adam said:
    March 20th, 2008 2:12 PM

    In hindsight, it’s kind of awkward that we talked about Jared’s romantic escapades (albeit in a G rated way), only to have Angie listen and comment on here.

    Now I feel creepy.

    I like pretending we have no listeners, so that I can say whatever retarded shit I want and don’t feel creepy about it after.

    And this is why I won’t let Mandy get The Internet ™.

  5. Bishop said:
    March 25th, 2008 8:43 AM

    Hey guys
    Great episode.

  6. Ben said:
    March 30th, 2008 5:00 PM

    Ounce again anouther good episode. Keep it up.


  7. Garrick said:
    April 7th, 2008 11:18 AM

    Randoms from the show which I finally listened to:

    Earl’s nickname is “Sparkles”.

    And I do remember opening ceremony. It was entertaining. But fat men with mullets should learn about diction. I couldn’t understand a damn word mullet boy was saying. And horrible… HORRIBLE performances like that require me to drink more.

    On a side note, that performance was the epitomy of why conventions scare people. Horrible performance, but surrounded by people who know the words better than the artist, and are singing along(actually more yelling along), and you can’t understand the performer on-stage, and you can’t understand the people that are yelling along. I’m sorry, no matter where you are ,that isn’t fun. And then add in the people that are giving you dirty looks because you aren’t liking mullet boy… That is not a fun experience.

    But other than the bad performance I did have a good time. Sorry Shane. You caught me during the mullet boy performance(and I don’t care what mullet boys name is, or how much I get flamed by people that like him, but he will always be mullet boy to me.)

    I will admit that I did start drinking to take the edge off, but I was fine by opening ceremony.

    But what put me over, was the frakkin’ klingons. They poured me a drink in their suite from a concoction they made, and gave me a half cup of it, but before handing it over ,they realized I was a con newbie and proceeded to pour a little bit from every bottle they had on their table. I can’t tell you what was in all of them, but one was definitely jaegermeister. And they then were able to give me a full glass. And that’s all she wrote.

    But thank you to the Justice League room. They were good eggs… what I remember.

    And I think I am going to Convergence, but I’m still not dressing up. And speaking of dressing up, why are a number of(not all of) fat people at conventions obsessed with wearing clothes that are too tight for them? I’m sorry, fat people and spandex don’t mix. That’s true in the real world, and should also be considered true for convention world.

    I also refuse to refer to Luke Ski as “great”. He is the “moderately talented Luke Ski”.

    And Jared, how can drinking on Friday bring your score down? Yuo had fun. admit it. 🙂

    Adam should go to Convergence with us. I’ll bring the alcohol.

    Happy to Angela and Jared.

    And Adam, congratulations on the new job.