Episode 48: Now we’re just making crap up

The guys take the Two Truths and a Lie game, and turn it on its head by making it Two Lies and a Truth! Find out the shocking secrets of The Scope hosts. Who claims to have been nearly born as a girl? Who claims to have made out with the guitarist from Queensryche? And which two hosts are possible hit and run offenders?

Plus reviews of REM’s latest and the 9th season of Big Brother. And we defy the Random Review Machine Wheel Thingie and pick our own “random” review for the next episode.

Lego Indiana Jones has 60 playable characters. Dibs on Short Round.
WoW China tops 1 million concurrent players
Lots of boys are colorblind. Lots of boys play videogames. Developers are jerks.
Does a Twin Universe mean that we really have evil twins?
McCain’s pastor is also crazy. Resulting silence is deafening.
WSJ’s Walt Mossburg Says 3G iPhone Coming in 60 Days… or not.
New Apple Laptops very soon (Q3 08). MacBook and Pro going away.
Pixar’s upcoming releases

2 3/4 starsR.E.M.Accelerate – 2 3/4 Stars
Random Review
1 1/2 starsBig Brother – CBS – 1 1/2 stars

“Angela’s Secret” – These Arms Are Snakes
“Secrets” – Girls Stuff
Scope Sounds: “Clive” – Animate Objects

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

One Comment on “Episode 48: Now we’re just making crap up”
  1. Garrick said:
    April 26th, 2008 8:04 PM

    Shane, Shane, Shane… hammering the audience to post reviews on itunes….


    at least you’re hammering something!


    Sorry. I just got to the last two episodes this weekend. Shows how far behind I am.

    And I know a secret about Jared, but I’m not going to tell anyone.

    I can’t believe you’re almost to 50 episodes.

    And now I’m off to wii.