Episode 53: Hell is Here

The Scope staffs up for a discussion of ultimate songs by ultimate bands with Scope Music Correspondent Al dropping in from the Cairo bureau. Plus, Adam manages a layover between Kentucky and Idaho to regale us with tales of travel and time zones.

2 1/4 starsColdplayViva La Vida – 2 1/4 Stars
2 3/4 starsThe Incredible Hulk – 2 3/4 stars

“The Greatest” – DJ Suicide
Scope Sounds: “Dead Again” – Possible Oscar – From the Tom Smith Fundraiser collection

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 9:05 am (CST)  |  

5 Comments on “Episode 53: Hell is Here”
  1. Garrick said:
    June 26th, 2008 12:32 PM

    I’ve decided to comment as the show goes, so here we go…

    And just because you like the Pixies, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily pretentious. With Adam that’s true, but that’s not true of all Pixies fans.

    Yes, the Beatles still rule.
    And isn’t it amusing that when Oasis tried to break away from their first two tribute albums to the Beatles, that they lost all of their fans? (and yes, I own both of those Oasis albums)

    And of course the Beasties rule. But I think the Beasties have done a little revisionist history on their first album. They were wild and crazy with that album, and didn’t mellow out until after Paul’s Boutique originally tanked. And yes, Paul’s Boutique tour at 7th st. entry, there were girls in cages.

    Now the Beasties are elder statesmen. Congratulations.

    And the big question I have now is will Shane also pick a college radio band?

    Well, he picked U2, which transcends college radio, and is really one of the few popular AOR bands still releasing new material.

    Good choices on all of them. I just don’t know if Oasis can stack up to the others though. Maybe if they’d broken up after their second album and hadn’t released crap.

    bono – self important douchebag? Really Adam? Really? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle a dumbass? (sorry, you know I don’t hate ya that much) 🙂

    And it’s also a little Alanironic that you are about to review the new Coldplay album. you know…. the band that owes their sound to U2. Think about it, “Clocks” etc. sound like a Bono light.

    Anyone can play Banner? Eric Bana couldn’t play Bruce Banner. 🙂

    Oh wait, now you read a quote from Coldplay that they steal their music influences and hopefully no one will know.
    *Family Feud Buzz*
    Sorry didn’t work.
    U2 lite it is.

    Wanted the CB is great. I’m hesitant about the movie. They changed a lot. But I’m also not a Jolie fan.

    I look forward to you guys bringing back adamatic. 🙂

    Catch ya on the flip-flop.

    Or at Convergence.

  2. adam said:
    June 26th, 2008 1:33 PM

    I’d like to point out that my douchebaggery and pretentious attitudes are not always genuine, while Bono (really single word name?) is clearly serious (overly serious) about himself to a point where I can’t stand him.

    Adam = Foil
    Bono = Self important douche

  3. Garrick said:
    June 27th, 2008 9:35 AM

    You’re right, there’s no such things as single word names in entertainment….

    Cher, Madonna, Prince, I’d even throw Elvis in there. Whether I mention his last name or not, you know who I’m talking about. But then you could add Oprah, or anyone from The Torah. It’s not like Noah had a last name. Noah. Wait Noah who…… Oh Noah Abramson. The guy down the street who built the boat. Or Abraham Or Moses…. Now there were a couple of self important douches.


  4. Garrick said:
    June 27th, 2008 9:36 AM

    And yes, I think they also should have called the Bible, The New Testament: Electric Boogaloo.

  5. adam said:
    June 27th, 2008 9:49 AM

    Gary’s not allowed to listen to the podcast anymore.