Episode 68: Adam’s New Job As White House Press Secretary

After receiving an unprecedented volume of listener email (one letter) demanding his return to the show, fan lightning rod Earl sneaks into the studios to help us flesh out the event that was MarsCon 2009. Yes, we’re talking about yet another sci-fi convention. But at least this time The Scope’s fanbase turned out in mass to support our appearance….right? (sob.)

We also review the latest album from U2 and the latest comic book movie, Watchmen.  If you would have been lucky enough to watch #68 recording live, you could have seen Adam shave all of his body hair and paint himself (yes, including his rig) blue. Just like Dr. Manhattan. Very, very sexy.

Buckle up, Scope faithful. This extremely long episode — from hosts that have been called “kinda arrogant jerks” by the reviewing masses — packs a lot of pop culture info.

And a lot of one single Christian Bale sound clip. Good for you, indeed.

2 3/4 starsU2No Line On The Horizon – 2 3/4 Stars
3 1/4 starsWatchmen – Warner Brothers – 3 1/4 Stars

Scope Sounds:
“True Player For Real” – MC Lars

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 9:16 am (CST)  |  

4 Comments on “Episode 68: Adam’s New Job As White House Press Secretary”
  1. Nicky said:
    March 16th, 2009 10:27 PM

    Just adding a little clarification about MarsCon stuff:

    Just to clarify Snarkys has been around for a few years now and they have to charge for it so it does not violate our contract with the hotel. Per our hotel contract we can’t offer meals in the con suite.

  2. Nicky said:
    March 17th, 2009 8:57 AM

    I forgot to note about the parties as well. On Friday night we had 14 parties and Saturday night we had 15 parties which is about the course as last year. I think going from the insanity of last year with the British invasion to this year, it made the party floor seem just a bit quieter.

  3. John said:
    March 26th, 2009 9:08 PM

    I’m surprised the word rig wasn’t in quotation marks.

  4. KeithF said:
    March 28th, 2009 9:09 AM

    Another great episode boys …
    If Adam ever does decide to leave the Scope, and you have try-outs for his replacement, give me a email or call because I’d love to read the news and give witty feedback [he mentioned at one point that he isn’t sure if he would be staying in MN for the long-haul].
    And after listening to the past few years of MarsCon-related podcasts, I’m thinking I might have to swing by to not only visit with the Scope but party it up with other nerds like myself.