Episode 73: The 2008-2009 TV Year in Review

The TV season is over, so naturally it’s time for us to talk about it. It’s a full boat for the discussions as Molly, Scooter, and even Adam are in the house with plenty of opinion to toss around regarding the hits and misses of this past season.

We also managed to see another big summer blockbuster film — don’t get used to it. Eventually we’ll crash and burn and leave you, the poor listener, without significant and timely movie-related content.


2 1/2 starsGreen Day21st Century Breakdown – 2 1/2 stars
2 3/4 starsTerminator Salvation – 2 3/4 stars
3 starsNight at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian – 3 stars (reviewed by Molly)

Scope Sounds:
“Let Me Go On” – Seabird

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 3:52 pm (CST)  |  

3 Comments on “Episode 73: The 2008-2009 TV Year in Review”
  1. Katie said:
    May 26th, 2009 11:19 PM

    The Hills? Really? Ehhh…

  2. thosquanta said:
    May 27th, 2009 1:14 PM

    a science related correction:

    you CAN, in fact, hit airwaves. air is quite corporeal, and you can certainly punch it.

    now, i know that you meant EM (electromagnetic) waves, but those, too, can be affected (albeit weakly) by any change in electric field. since human bodies contain electromagnetic potentials, fist pumping, or whatever form of “hitting” you prefer will actually have an effect on “airwaves” via the standard EM equations (maxwell’s laws, etc).

    i may have just answered my own “ask tony” question (why did i not have friends in high school?)

  3. Mike said:
    June 4th, 2009 7:26 PM

    Another great show. Molly always make the show better with her “sweet and sexy” voice but her voice is no match for Shane’s hypnotic sound. Can’t wait for the next episode, seeing your podcast waiting on my ipod is the one of my favorite things.