Episode 97: Broccoli Rob Vs. The Catfish In The Corner (and Dengue Fever, too)

Here we go again. Even though the masses cry,”Uncle!” your Scope crew rolls on with yet another episode. At least Adam had the decency to skip out…again. Luckily, the busiest man in podcasting, John “Nort Nort” Norton was kind enough to fill the third spot on the show.

#97 spends a lot of time on the inadequacies of Minnesota sports teams (with great emphasis on the hapless Twins), and even more time discussing the multitudes of pop culture assaulting our brains this fall. Yes, that means more TV, music, and movie talk. It ain’t original, but we’ve made a living off of it the past five years. (If a living is $45.32.)

Finally, Shane won the First-Show-Canceled Contest. Again. Thanks, “My Generation.” You didn’t let him down.

The Scope episode 97 won’t stand so close to you. Unless you use Polo cologne. Growl.

Scope Sounds:
“Kill The Light” – Kitten

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 646-495-9201 x 70055

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 11:03 pm (CST)  |  

3 Comments on “Episode 97: Broccoli Rob Vs. The Catfish In The Corner (and Dengue Fever, too)”
  1. Ann Jaclyn said:
    October 11th, 2010 11:28 AM

    Pretty sure it was “From Above” that was playing on the current from Ben Folds and Nick Hornby.

    Nice job hittin’ the Kitten post, Jared.

    I learned the word “dengue” from the movie From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, with a song by Jimmy Vaughan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhwQUgqnPPg.

    To make episode 99 worth listening to, it should be co-hosted by the ladies in your lives. Let Carrie, Angela and …how ’bout Kerri express their opinions on coming soon, sports and geek issues!

  2. Kevin said:
    October 14th, 2010 10:12 AM

    Great show! You need to have Nort Nort on again – great chemistry there between all of you.

  3. Cyrus said:
    October 15th, 2010 1:44 AM

    Hey Scope Triumvirate,

    I loved the football talk, although I would like to say that I will never be a 49rs fan, Cardinals all the way 🙂

    Keep up the great show guys!