Scope Instant Review: Epic

Well, the latest entry in the Scope Summer Movie Slam is a family affair. This time around, for the animated epic called…Epic, Shane conducts the review not with Jared and/or Adam, but with his lovely wife Carrie and his kick-ass kid, Audrey. It makes sense since Audrey is clearly the key demo for this film. It’s a guarantee they’ll discuss tiny leaf people, stunt celebrity voice casting, and realistic three-legged pugs. So, Scope business as usual.

Will Epic get some serious love or will it fall victim to the devastating triple Palmerslam™? You’ll just have to download this very special edition of The Scope Summer Movie Slam to find out. DO IT NOW!

The Scope Epic Instant Review may or may not get five stars and Pitbull does look a bit like a frog. Deal with it, Audrey.

2 ¼ Stars – Epic

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 1:31 pm (CST)  |  

One Comment on “Scope Instant Review: Epic”
  1. Ciindy said:
    May 29th, 2013 2:22 PM

    Is there anyway we can get Audrey’s “I don’t even know who that is!” combined with Adam’s classic “I don’t know how to do interviews.” It would be epic; no pun intended. Keep up the good work!