Scope Instant Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

The Scope 2013 Summer Movie Slam kicks off in high style with the return of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek crew. Yes, we’re talking about the super humongous blockbuster Star Trek Into Darkness. This film has it all: pointy ears, a young Starfleet captain eager to disobey orders, and a nasty villain that’s really good with shooting big guns. Oh, and a whole lot of transporter mischief.

But the real question is this: will Jared and Shane love this movie as much as the first or will it be “logical” to send a little hate its way? You’ll only find out if you listen (or if you scroll to the bottom of this post. We put the star rating right there. Seriously, just a couple lines below this.)

The Scope Star Trek Into Darkness instant review wanted more space whales along with a dash of Winona Ryder. RIP Spock’s mommy.

3 ½ Stars – Star Trek Into Darkness

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 11:23 pm (CST)  |  

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