Scope Instant Review: The Spectacular Now
August 15, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope Summer Movie Slam is back with a very special review of The Spectacular Now. Why so very special? Well, this thoughtful coming-of-age teen drama would have made one hell of an after school special. Also, sometimes Scope contributor (and wife of Scope host, Shane) Carrie joins the crew in the mobile Scope studio for some thoughtful critique. That’s pretty special in itself, isn’t’ it?
Could this movie be one of the best of the summer? Further, could it be one of the best films of the year? Download this podcast and find out if this Sundance darling really has what it takes. Do it now, if you know what’s good for you.
The Scope The Spectacular Now instant review might buy a flask for you…if you ask nicely.
3 ½ Stars – The Spectacular Now
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