Scope Instant Review: This Is The End

Hoo boy. This is going to be one confusing Scope Summer Movie Slam write-up. “Why?” you ask? Well, Seth Rogan’s latest comedic opus, This Is The End, stars famous funny people (and not so funny people…we’re looking at you, Rihanna) playing weird, fun-house versions of themselves! I mean, who knew Emma Watson could swing an axe like that?

And, to make things more complicated, these real/fictional superstars get all dumped into a crazy end of the world scenario. Yeah, let the mayhem commence. Also, the one guy you’d think would make a funny cameo, Judd Apatow, never shows up. Insane, right?

Finally, because we’re all mixed up chronologically, this sneak preview was one of the first films your Scope crew saw this summer. So, basically, Jared and Shane already have forgotten all the important parts. It was like ten films ago, people!

Still, it’s immensely important every Scope-a-maniac downloads this one right away. The summer movie season depends on it. YOUR summer movie season depends on it. So get to it, would you?

The Scope This Is The End Instant Review also wouldn’t mind a bite of that Milky Way candy bar.

3 Stars – This Is The End

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 11:10 pm (CST)  |  

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