Scope Instant Review: World War Z

Everyone knows The Scope loves zombie stuff…so what better way to honor The Scope Summer Movie Slam but with a review of World War Z, the film adaptation of Max Brooks’ epic novel.

Jared (Gerry), Shane (Terry), and Carrie dig into Brad Pitt’s biggest film to date and discuss this global/viral/bitey disaster picture. Your Scope hosts have been talking about this thing for well over a year…so it’s a guarantee they’ve got a lot to say about it. So, please, download this fantastic review faster than the zombies from WWZ chase down their hapless human victims.

The Scope World War Z Instant Review would never put the crowbar down. That’s zombie survival 101, isn’t it?

2 ½ Stars – World War Z

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

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