Scope Special Edition: Prometheus Review
June 11, 2012 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope is back with the third movie review in three days. We’re tired just thinking about it. But we couldn’t pass up a free screening of one of the most anticipated sci-fi films of the year.
Yes, we’re talking about Sir Ridley Scott’s Prometheus aka Prothemeus.
So sit back, strap on your headphones, and give it a listen. Hopefully this podcast won’t be the internet equivalent of a chestbursting alien climbing out of your midsection.
The Scope Prometheus review will never ignorantly try to touch a scary-looking albino space cobra rising from some scarier looking black goo even though it probably will cause pain. Lots and lots of pain.
2 ¼ Stars – Prometheus
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE
Category: Episodes | Time: 5:00 am (CST) |