Scope Special Edition: The Amazing Spider-Man Review

This 4th of July, The Scope has decided to give something back to all faithful listeners…something better than grilled wieners, room temperature potato salad, and cancelled fireworks (due to global warming and rampant brushfires.) Jared and Shane were kind enough to check out the fourth first Spider-Man movie.

This time around, there’s no Tobey, Kirsten, or James. But you do get a kid with super-cool hair, Emma in sweet Gwen Stacy boots, and yet another origin tale. (Did you know Peter became Spidey from a spider bite?!? Yes, it’s true!)

So take a few minutes, stop celebrating the good old U.S. of A, and check out another Scope summer movie review.

The Scope The Amazing Spider-Man review wishes President Bartlet would be our awesome uncle.

2 Stars – The Amazing Spider-Man

Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 4:58 pm (CST)  |  

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