Under The Scope | Movie Review: Ant-Man

Well, the last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie of Phase II and of the year is here. Of course we’re talking about Ant-Man, the Paul Rudd-lead film about a tiny super hero with a lot of heart.

Or something like that.

Being the biggest question mark since Iron-Man, everyone who’s anyone has been wondering: will people get behind a weird Marvel character unknown to the general population? Can Marvel hit with another Guardians-type surprise?

Well, let Jared and Shane answer that question with their fantastic and completely insightful review. By the time it’s over, you’ll know what to do. You’ll know what to do.

The Scope Ant-Man movie review isn’t afraid to go subatomic.

3 Stars – Ant-Man

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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

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