Under The Scope | Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War
April 19, 2016 | Posted by: The Scope
The summer movie season starts…in April?
Yeah, that’s right, Jared and Shane have some serious connections…and those connections are helping to get you, the loyal Scope fan, an early and exciting review of the latest Marvel movie, Captain America: Civil War.
This movie has just about every hero that ain’t named Wolverine, Batman, or Superman. It stars all the usual Marvel actors, and it’s jammed-packed with all the Marvelness you could ever demand.
But the question remains: is this a great film, worthy of a place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Well, take a few minutes and listen to your Scope hosts gab on about it. It’s 91.4% possible you won’t be disappointed!
The Scope Captain America: Civil War review is Team Cap.
3 ½ Stars – Captain America: Civil War
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