Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Grand Budapest Hotel

It’s no secret that The Scope loves Wes Anderson movies. All of the quirky charm found in his body of work is enough to melt the heart of any cold, emotionless podcaster.

So it is the Scope’s pleasure to present a review of Anderson’s latest, The Grand Budapest Hotel. It’s a complicated tale within a tale within a tale within a tale, starring a dude you really want to call Ralph (as well as almost every other actor ever featured in Anderson’s films.) The plot takes place in four different time periods…and it’s about a hotel.
More or less.

But that’s all you need to know. Just do us a favor and listen to (or watch) Jared and Shane talk about this fascinating film. You won’t be disappointed.

The Scope The Grand Budapest Hotel review would make a poor lobby boy.

Watch on YouTube

3 ½ Stars – The Grand Budapest Hotel

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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  

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