Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Martian
September 25, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
It’s been a while, but Shane is back with Jared for another excellent Scope movie review. This time around, the guys tackle The Martian, the film adaptation of Andy Weir’s acclaimed novel.
The Martian stars Matt Damon (along with about a billion other well-known actors) as a cool, funny, and altogether neat astronaut who’s been stranded on the planet Mars. Will he ever make it back to Earth? Hell, will he even last a few weeks?
Well, your Scope hosts aren’t saying. But they will give you one fantastic movie review for your troubles. So get to making haste and start listening (or watching) right NOW!
The Scope The Martian review would not be able to grow potatoes on the red planet. Or the green planet, for that matter.
3 ¼ Stars – The Martian
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