Optimus Prime hates The Scope.

In a continuing effort to bring new listeners up to speed on the history of The Scope, we bring you another batch of recommended (?!?!) classic shows.

This time, we cover the saga that was the lead-up, release, and fallout of Michael Bay’s epic film, Transformers.

In itself, this doesn’t seem like a big deal. But when you throw frequent Scope guest, Earl, into the mix, things get hairy (in more ways than one) real quick.

Take a listen to our 2006 Year in Review show to kick things off.

Then dig in as Earl and a few other guests stop by for THE MOST VOLATILE NERD ROUND TABLE EVER. It’s the only podcast ever recorded that allows listeners to actually see anger emitting from their headphones or speakers. We joke about it ruining friendships. But maybe we shouldn’t.

From there, check out our first ever instant movie review (of Transformers, natch!) Our Scope posse drove directly from the theater and to The Scope Studios to break down Michael Bay’s masterpiece.

We end the saga with a post-mortem of Transformers (as well as a Random Year In Review.)

Overall, some of the most compelling Scope episodes ever. At least until Transformers 2 and G.I. Joe open this summer….right? RIGHT?!?!

Oh, we almost forgot. Here’s a bonus link to some of Earl’s Spielberg/Bay thrashing.

Thanks for listening, Listeners!

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 10:19 am (CST)  |  

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