Where are your new Scope shows?

Gone Fishin

Get off our backs! It’s summer and all we want to do is pour ourselves a freshly-squeezed glass of lemonade (or Country Time, if we’re lazy), belly up to the old swimmin’ hole, and let the smoldering sun leather up our Speedo-clad bodies.

What that means to you, the loyal Scope listener, is that you won’t get another new show until early next week. But we promise we’ll be back with tales of vacation, action figure hunts, and New Kids on the Block. Until then, enjoy your summer…we’ll be talking at you before you know it.

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 9:41 pm (CST)  |  

3 Comments on “Where are your new Scope shows?”
  1. Adam Lazlo said:
    August 13th, 2008 12:47 AM

    The summers in Arizona are like your winters. Nothing to enjoy when it’s 115 degrees in the shade (other than a freshly squeezed episode of The Scope). I miss you guys!

  2. a_jaclyn said:
    August 15th, 2008 3:57 PM

    Waiting with bated breath!

  3. Kerri said:
    August 19th, 2008 9:19 AM
