Episode 54: CONvergence 2008 – Lean, Mean Podcasting Machines

Once again, The Scope packs up and heads to Minnesota’s most exciting geek convention. We may not have all the fancy bells & whistles of our typically awesome show, but we do have interviews with: Superman, Wonder Woman, long-time listeners Nicky and Gary, some dude named “Luke Ski,” and a random convention goer.

Oh, if you listen closely, you can hear the faint sound of horror from Adam’s longtime girlfriend as she participates in her first CONvergence ever. It is, as they say, a beautiful thing.

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 9:11 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 7  |  

Episode 53: Hell is Here

The Scope staffs up for a discussion of ultimate songs by ultimate bands with Scope Music Correspondent Al dropping in from the Cairo bureau. Plus, Adam manages a layover between Kentucky and Idaho to regale us with tales of travel and time zones.

2 1/4 starsColdplayViva La Vida – 2 1/4 Stars
2 3/4 starsThe Incredible Hulk – 2 3/4 stars

“The Greatest” – DJ Suicide
Scope Sounds: “Dead Again” – Possible Oscar – From the Tom Smith Fundraiser collection

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 9:05 am (CST)  |  Comments: 5  |  

Episode 52: Calling All G-Gilfs!

The Scope sheds all masculinity as it talks about Sex and the City with music correspondent Al contributing to the conversation. Also, we play a game of numbers, and Adam reintroduces paper to the newscast. Wait, do we always do the news first?

coming soon

2 1/2 starsWeezerWeezer (Red Album) – 2.5 Stars

“Get With The Now” – The Get-Outs
Scope Sounds: “The Future Soon” – Jonathan Coulton

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Episode 51: We’re Totally Gonna Bang Holly

It’s time for another edition of the Nerd Roundtable! Guests Earl, Gary and Mike engage in some lively discussion, but the best battle may happen in the news. Also, boobs. Okay, not boobs, but it’s great for the search results.

First NetFlix Streaming Box Review, $100 and Unlimited Downloads!
Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms
Jack Thompson Guilty on 27 of 31 Misconduct Charges, Says Bar Trial Judge
Pac-Man movie in development. No, seriously

2 1/4 starsIndiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – 2 1/4 stars

“Technology” – denada
Scope Sounds: “Geezers” – The Argyle Pimps

Follow Jared
You want some link action too, Adam?

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 7:18 am (CST)  |  Comments: 6  |  

Episode 50: The 2nd Annual Scope Show Summer Movie Preview

Summer’s approaching, and that can only mean one thing. Girls in skimpy clothes! And one more thing, The Scope Show Summer Movie Preview! Listen in as the Scope hosts plus Molly argue about “Indiana Jones” vs. “X-Files”, terrible Mike Myers movies, yet another Mummy movie, and the dearth of movies for ladies. Plus Shane thinks people aren’t excited about “The Dark Knight”.

In addition we come THIS close to topping our “Girlfriends” review with the latest installment of “The Bachelor”.

Hackers try to spur epileptic seizures
Comcast Considering 250GB Monthly Data Caps, Disconnecting Repeat Pirates
“Family Guy” creator seals megadeal
Iron-Man and GTA IV Team up to Crush a Modern Marketing Myth
New Dark Knight Trailer released – shows hints of Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face
Wii Pole Dancing type exercise game in the works.
NiN releases new album, “The Slip”, for free online 2 months before July retail release.
MacGuyver movie in the works

3 3/4 starsIron Man – 3 3/4 stars
Random Review
1/4 starsThe Bachelor: London Calling – ABC Monday 10:00E/9:00C – 1/4 stars

“Robot Films” – Alessio Zara
Scope Sounds: “See Right Through Me” – Mobile

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 4  |  

Episode 49: You Like Game Shows? We Like Game Shows

The first (annual?) Scope Instant Game Show makes its International debut on this almost brief episode of The Scope. Jess makes an appearance for the first time in nearly 2 years! Rock of Love with Bret Michaels! Adam doesn’t even read “Coming Soon” this week! Intense.

10 Percent of Broadband Subscribers Suck Up 80 Percent of Bandwidth But P2P No Longer to Blame
3G IPhone Due on June 9, Analysts Say
Public Acceptance of Evolution in the world
You Can’t Travel Back in Time, Scientists Say
Study says near extinction threatened people 70,00 years ago
Amazing New Poster for The Dark Knight
Annoying Ben Stein movie makes some money, not much.
Jimmy Fallon headed for ‘Late Night’
Guillermo Del Toro Comes Out of The Hobbit Closet

Not-So-Random Review
1 1/2 starsRock of Love 2 – VH1 Sunday – 1 1/2 stars

“Running From The Law” – Mean Jean Kelton and The Die Hards
Scope Sounds: “Something In Your Eyes” – David Martin

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 3  |  

Episode 48: Now we’re just making crap up

The guys take the Two Truths and a Lie game, and turn it on its head by making it Two Lies and a Truth! Find out the shocking secrets of The Scope hosts. Who claims to have been nearly born as a girl? Who claims to have made out with the guitarist from Queensryche? And which two hosts are possible hit and run offenders?

Plus reviews of REM’s latest and the 9th season of Big Brother. And we defy the Random Review Machine Wheel Thingie and pick our own “random” review for the next episode.

Lego Indiana Jones has 60 playable characters. Dibs on Short Round.
WoW China tops 1 million concurrent players
Lots of boys are colorblind. Lots of boys play videogames. Developers are jerks.
Does a Twin Universe mean that we really have evil twins?
McCain’s pastor is also crazy. Resulting silence is deafening.
WSJ’s Walt Mossburg Says 3G iPhone Coming in 60 Days… or not.
New Apple Laptops very soon (Q3 08). MacBook and Pro going away.
Pixar’s upcoming releases

2 3/4 starsR.E.M.Accelerate – 2 3/4 Stars
Random Review
1 1/2 starsBig Brother – CBS – 1 1/2 stars

“Angela’s Secret” – These Arms Are Snakes
“Secrets” – Girls Stuff
Scope Sounds: “Clive” – Animate Objects

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 1  |  

Episode 47: Live, From Richfield!

In this episode, the guys talk about their fondest Saturday Night Live memories, with much less yelling than expected. Plus, Adam’s Federal background check scares Shane, and now the IRS is headed over. Jared’s new lady friend was at Scope Studios ™ just before recording, but left promptly after seeing Shane and Adam. More details to follow.

Also, good job getting the show to about an hour guys!

Hillary’s Sniper Lie.
Parents pray for a cure for their daughter’s TREATABLE diabetes… girl dies.
Satellite radio merger approved by the DoJ. FCC decision unknown.
GTA 4’s street map leaked.
Ian McKellen will play Gandalf in The Hobbit.
This settles it, “Chinese Democracy” will be out this year.
Safari on Windows is actually good?

1 3/4 starsPresidents of the United Stated of AmericaThese Are The Good Times People – 1 3/4 Stars

“Serious Comedy” – Three Man
Scope Sounds: “The Beginning of the Twist” – The Futureheads

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 5  |  

Episode 46: Three Hosts and a Baby

It’s been like a month, but The Scope returns with a full on 10/10, A+++++ WOULD BUY FROM AGAIN, fantastical episode for the record books. Earl, Holly, and Steve drop by to talk about all of the MarsCon shenanigans. Adam talks about working for the first time in over a year, and surprise, thinks he’s already the best.

STDs won’t stop kids from bangin’.
Hey Oklahoma, you’re not OK!
Torture, though, is totally OK.
Mario Kart Wii gets a release date.
Google Sky: it’s like Google Maps, but you can look up.
Trailer for The Incredible Hulk is released.
This year’s “Rushmore”? Son of Rambow trailer released.
Rick Rolling fun.

3 starsVampire WeekendVampire Weekend – 2 3/4 Stars

“Longer” – Sudden DeathListen on The FuMP
“Press Start to Continue” – Possible OscarListen on The FuMP
Scope Sounds: “Living On A Roll And A Prayer” – Hot WafflesListen on The FuMP

Category: Episodes  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments: 7  |  

Scope Potpourri: Oscars, MarsCON, Next Show -Updated

It’s been a busy three weeks for your Scope hosts. Adam has been toiling away at his new job, Jared has been busily preparing for and performing at MarsCON 2008, and Shane has beaten one full level of Call of Duty 4. So all in, all, a lot has been accomplished.

That being said, we’ve got some unfinished business to cover as well as disseminate a little bit of Scope news. Let’s begin.

Even without picking any of the female acting categories, frequent contributor to the show, Molly, picked five of seven categories correctly. Congratulations, Molly! You truly are the entertainment expert..for 2007.

…it never happened. While we had big plans to make a big splash at the convention, we failed to follow through. To quote Marsha Brady, “Something suddenly came up.” And that something involved whisky drinks, lager drinks, vodka drinks, and cider drinks. We promise we’ll cover the MarsCON comings and goings in the next Scope episode!

When will we record and post it? We plan on heading back into the Scope subterranean studios to record a show that will be available March 17th! But until then, check out an older show, visit the brand new Possible Oscar site, and flood us with comments and questions! You know you want to.

Thanks, everybody.

Your Scope Hosts

Category: Miscellaneous, News  |  Time: 11:22 pm (CST)  |  Comments: 3  |