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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Happy Holidays From The Scope
December 23, 2011 | Posted by: Shane
There really was supposed to be a “Very Special Holiday” edition of The Scope…but between some sort of nasty mucus virus and a couple of holiday vacations, it never quite came together. Lest you think it would have been a boring show, we had plans to tell tales of Christmas past, with sugar plums and carefully hung stockings.
But it didn’t happen. And here we are. The best your Scope crew can do is wish all of you, our treasured fans, a happy and safe holiday (no matter what you celebrate!) We all hope you can spend it with people you love, away from the “rat-race,” and completely liquored up. But no mean drunk action. Only happy, semi-sloppy boozing need apply.
Your Scope crew hopes to be back December 31st with a grand New Year’s Eve program. But until then, enjoy the season, folks!
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Episode 117: First Time Holiday Dysfunction, Amusement Park Porn, and The Dubstep Revolution
December 5, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
Another long podcast hiatus…which is of course followed by an unusually long episode of The Scope.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
That doesn’t mean episode 117 is bloated. Jared, Adam, and Shane get right to the point to tell tales of Thanksgiving, cross-country travel, and to break news of Herman Cain’s campaign plans.
But wait…there’s more! The Nerd Roundtable, one of the sturdiest Scope bits in the history of the show, reappears to entertain the masses. If you were wondering what your Scope hosts think about the TV season up to this point, you’ll get answers. If you need to know they feel about infidelity in politics, that’s there, too. And if the age old question of “Who’s hotter…Catwoman or Black Widow?” has been rattling around in your head…well, the guys solve that riddle as well.
And just for kicks, The Great Luke Ski joins the program to talk about frogs and pigs that have hands up their keisters (aka Muppets.)
So, yeah, it’s a good one. We dare you not to listen.
The Scope episode 117 doesn’t know the difference between Ralph Malph and Rowlf the Dog but it still has a healthy respect for Andre The Giant.
3 Stars – The MuppetsMusic
Scope Sounds: “Talking Out Of Turn” – Sleeping in the AviaryFeedback
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Episode 116: The Seven Mary Three Proposition
October 31, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
Yeah, your Scope crew took an extra week off between episodes. But the good(?) news is all three hosts are back, fully-charged, and ready to bring it. And, as a special treat, they invited music correspondent, Al, into the Scope studios to talk about his birthday party, cover bands, and sexy cop costumes.
This episode features what The Scope does best: talking about the latest and greatest of geek culture. What does that mean for you, the gentle listener? It means tons of video game and comic book conversation. And not one mention of Michele Bachmann, which is a good thing.
The Scope kids also break down the latest from Coldplay (which is the REAL reason Al is in the house) and bask in Adam’s usual fantastic telling of the news. All in all, it’s another jam-packed episode of geeky-goodness.
Finally, feel free to chime in on the latest Scope controversy: which condiment do you put on your sandwich, mayonnaise or Miracle Whip? Post your opinion on Facebook, Twitter, the Scope comments section, or shout it from the rooftops. Just let your voice be heard!
The Scope episode 116 hopes to duet with Rihanna (but we’ll make her do most of the singing) in the near future.
1 ¾ Stars – Mylo Xyloto – ColdplayMusic
Scope Sounds: “When Will You Die” – They Might Be GiantsFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 4 |
Episode 115: Patch Adams + Will Smith x iPad = Podcasting Nirvana
October 10, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope is back after a slightly longer than expected break…but, boy do the guys deliver this time around! Yes, the rumors are true: Adam had to take a sick day. (Probably because he knew Jared and Shane won the First Fall Show Cancelled Competition.) But the remaining hosts do their best to craft another episode that they’d be proud to bring home to mom.
So what exactly does episode 115 hold for the loyal listeners? How about a heartfelt tribute to Steve Jobs and his contributions to society? How about a brand new bit called, “I Really Hate That Movie!” How about Jared putting his own awesome spin on the news? Yes, all of that. Plus a bit of Minnesota sports talk to round out the day. So, yes, it’s the best show ever. Or at least the best show ever done in October of 2011.
The Scope episode 115 knows a proper Robin Williams is a bearded Robin Williams.
Scope Sounds: “Artificial Heart” – Jonathan CoultonFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 6 |
Episode 114: Bluffy The Vampire Slayer Presents the 2011 Fall TV Preview
September 12, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
Alas, the extended summer vacation is over and podcasting class is officially back in session for your Scope hosts. That means a lot of catching up (Adam’s tragic piñata violence and Jared’s repair woes, for instance.)
It also means a whole slew of new TV is on the horizon.
It also means The Scope is legally required to present their annual Fall TV Preview.
It also means a lot of talk about the best and worst shows coming to a telly (that’s British slang for “television”) near you.
You get the picture. But let it be said that this year’s preview show had it all: Michael Emerson imitations, boob talk, and preview clips made for, well, watching with eyeballs. Basically, everything that makes a great Scope Fall TV Preview. And for those of you that are SO over TV, The Scope crew still brings the noise with a robust News! and Coming Soon! segment. And it is done in a neat and tidy 2+ hours. Whoomp! There it is.
Finally, please take a look at the commissioned artwork by Scope fan, The Great Luke Ski. It is glorious and will be treasured by The Scope crew for all of eternity!
The Scope episode 114 may be the Dead Island of podcasting, but it still knows a thing or two about beautiful guyliner.
First Cancelled (Fewest Shows Broadcast) Predictions
Shane: The Playboy Club
Jared: The Playboy Club
Adam: Free AgentsMusic
Scope Sounds: “Sleep Rules Everything Around Me” – WugaziFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 4 |
Episode 113: 2011 North Shore Spectacular
August 22, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope show is back…with one…no, two…no, three MAJOR twists!
Twist #1: In the first time in modern Scope history, Scope superstar Jared was not one of the hosts of the show. And, as usual, Adam isn’t hosting, either. But you expected that, right?
Twist #2: In the first time in modern Scope history, the entire show was recorded over a series of five days at the North Shore of Lake Superior! We’re talking about the place where Scope host Shane takes his annual family vacation.
Twist #3: In the first time in Modern Scope history, Scope Music Aficionado Al sits in as the singular co-host of the show!
So what do all these twists mean to you, the loyal Scope listener? Well, it means the same great Scope content in a decidedly lo-fi format. But that’s what happens when you “rough it.” That being said, there still might be some Scope show surprises! (Might Jared and Adam might just make appearances at some point during the show? Tune in and find out!) And never underestimate the moxie of Al and Shane when it comes to getting in tons of sound effects and music into the show…even if they are recording using two tin cans and a string.
So sit back, fire-up your podcasting playing device, and listen to a “Very Special/Rustic” episode of The Scope!
The Scope episode 113 may be a week late, but it’s not seven dollars short. It’s vacation time, yo. Just chillz.
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Scope Special Edition: (The) 30 Minutes or Less Movie Review
August 10, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
Well, well, well. Here we are again with another movie review for a movie that hasn’t quite hit the (movie) theaters yet. This time, Jared and Shane lay it all out for yet another comedy/coming of age/drama/heist/romance/chase film.
This one stars Jesse Eisenberg and is directed by Ruben Fleischer, both of whom were involved in the 2009 flick, Zombieland. Oddly enough, zombie horror was about the only film genre not covered in 30 Minutes or Less.
Go figure.
At any rate, take a listen to this fantastic Scope advanced review and find out if Jared and Shane can churn out another fantastic podcasting moment. (The answer, of course, is Werther’s Original Candies.)
The Scope 30 Minutes or Less movie review special knows you can’t win if you bring a gun to a bomb fight. But if you attach a bomb to a gun, look out!
2 Stars – 30 Minutes or LessFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 2 |
Scope Special Edition: (The) Captain America Movie Review
July 22, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope is back with another timely summer movie review! This time your Scope crew analyzes the stars/bars of Captain America: The First Avenger!
Cap makes his big screen debut in a Marvel Comics WWII romp, (can you actually romp in the era of Nazis and nuclear bombs?) flinging his shield and punching Hydra agents everywhere.
So take a few minutes, support America, and listen to Jared and Shane give a Scope critique to the 57th super hero film of the 2011 Summer Movie Season (TM). Your country won’t forget your sacrifice.
(The) Captain America Movie Review Special has the physique of the 92 pound Steve Rogers…and is damn proud of it. The Scope can do this all day.
3 ¼ Stars – Captain America: The First AvengerFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 10:27 am (CST) | Comments: 3 |
Episode 112: 2011 CONvergence Spectacular
July 18, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
The best sci-fi/fantasy/steampunk/sexy vampire convention in Minnesota returned, and your intrepid Scope hosts (Jared and Shane, natch) do their very best to cover all of the action.
What does that mean to you, the loyal Scope listener? Well, only some of the best interviews and on-the-fly commentary a free podcast can bring. Yes, Shane may not have been quite as prolific this year in tracking down the big scoop, but between Jared stepping up to the plate and a couple of fine Scope moments, there’s enough meat in this audio brisket to satisfy your CON needs.
So pour some brandy, stoke the fire, curl up on the bearskin rug, and prepare for some CONvergence madness…Scope Style (TM).
Thanks for listening, y’all!
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 5 |
Scope Special Edition: Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Review
June 28, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
More than meets my ass. Ener-junk. Sh*t sandwich. These are only a few of ways to describe the latest Michael Bay film, Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
Yes, Mr. Bay is back with another 2+ hours of ADD-infused action, racist/homophobic/xenophobic scripting, and tonally-confused movie-making. This film has learned nothing from the past mistakes of the first two outings (unless you count *more* stereotyping, less Optimus Prime, and an even greater focus on the human side of the story…because that’s what Transformers should be about: the human story.)
Luckily, Jared and Shane sat through this mess so you don’t have to. And trust The Scope: YOU DON’T WANT TO SIT THROUGH THIS MOVIE. But you will want to sit through the official review for Transformers 3, because it is epic. And it keeps it real. The boys break down the entire film, Scope style. Since they do it immediately after it ends, you can guarantee the wounds are fresh, deep, and festering. So take a few minutes, fire up the podcast, and roll out. It’s a good one, Scope Faithful.
The Scope Transformers: Dark of the Moon movie review special believes Megan Fox might be the smartest chick on the planet right now.
¼ Stars – Transformers: Dark of the MoonFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 1 |
What Is The Scope?
The Scope, a podcast featuring insightful conversations and timely comedy focused around culture both pop and geek, is really an opportunity for Jared, Adam, and Shane to prove to the world they are the next Internet superstars. So fire up your MP3 player and turn up the volume.
The Scope awaits…
Recent Episodes
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- Episode 328: Scope Dope or Scope Nope: (Not Quite) Summer Food Fest 2024 – Part 1
Recent Reviews
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