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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Episode 116: The Seven Mary Three Proposition
October 31, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
Yeah, your Scope crew took an extra week off between episodes. But the good(?) news is all three hosts are back, fully-charged, and ready to bring it. And, as a special treat, they invited music correspondent, Al, into the Scope studios to talk about his birthday party, cover bands, and sexy cop costumes.
This episode features what The Scope does best: talking about the latest and greatest of geek culture. What does that mean for you, the gentle listener? It means tons of video game and comic book conversation. And not one mention of Michele Bachmann, which is a good thing.
The Scope kids also break down the latest from Coldplay (which is the REAL reason Al is in the house) and bask in Adam’s usual fantastic telling of the news. All in all, it’s another jam-packed episode of geeky-goodness.
Finally, feel free to chime in on the latest Scope controversy: which condiment do you put on your sandwich, mayonnaise or Miracle Whip? Post your opinion on Facebook, Twitter, the Scope comments section, or shout it from the rooftops. Just let your voice be heard!
The Scope episode 116 hopes to duet with Rihanna (but we’ll make her do most of the singing) in the near future.
1 ¾ Stars – Mylo Xyloto – ColdplayMusic
Scope Sounds: “When Will You Die” – They Might Be GiantsFeedback
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Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 4 |
Episode 115: Patch Adams + Will Smith x iPad = Podcasting Nirvana
October 10, 2011 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope is back after a slightly longer than expected break…but, boy do the guys deliver this time around! Yes, the rumors are true: Adam had to take a sick day. (Probably because he knew Jared and Shane won the First Fall Show Cancelled Competition.) But the remaining hosts do their best to craft another episode that they’d be proud to bring home to mom.
So what exactly does episode 115 hold for the loyal listeners? How about a heartfelt tribute to Steve Jobs and his contributions to society? How about a brand new bit called, “I Really Hate That Movie!” How about Jared putting his own awesome spin on the news? Yes, all of that. Plus a bit of Minnesota sports talk to round out the day. So, yes, it’s the best show ever. Or at least the best show ever done in October of 2011.
The Scope episode 115 knows a proper Robin Williams is a bearded Robin Williams.
Scope Sounds: “Artificial Heart” – Jonathan CoultonFeedback
Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE
Category: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 6 |
What Is The Scope?
The Scope, a podcast featuring insightful conversations and timely comedy focused around culture both pop and geek, is really an opportunity for Jared, Adam, and Shane to prove to the world they are the next Internet superstars. So fire up your MP3 player and turn up the volume.
The Scope awaits…
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