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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Under The Scope | Movie Review: Terminator Genisys
June 30, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
When Arnold says he’ll be back, he ain’t kidding. Yes, of course that means another film in the beloved Terminator series is now in theaters. This time it’s called (the unfortunately-spelled) Terminator Genisys.
It’s got everything you’d expect from a Terminator film: metal robots, time travel, liquid metal robots, and hammy acting. But the real question is this: can more of the same be any good? Well, check out what Jared and Shane have to say about it. You may not agree with the review…but you’ll definitely be entertained.
(Cue music with clanking metal pipes.)
The Scope Terminator Genisys review has no sloppy pudding.
1 Star – Terminator GenisysFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Inside Out
June 21, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
In what one might consider a small miracle, Scope host Shane convinced other Scope host Jared to go to a theater and watch a “kids movie.”
How’d he do that, you ask?
Well, because the film was Inside Out, a Pixar animated joint written and directed by local hometown hero, Pete Doctor. He’s one of us, as Minnesotans would say.
Basically, Jared had no choice in the matter.
So fire up your podcast player or your YouTube and find out what the Scope thinks of this star-studded, already critically-acclaimed film. Chances are high they liked it. (We know you can see the Scope score if you are reading this. We’re not thick.)
The Scope Inside Out movie review forgot any core memory concerning the third Scope host…who was that guy?
3 ¾ Stars – Inside OutFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
June 16, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
In a smart move of counter programming, Fox Searchlight Pictures has a new summer movie on the horizon without superheroes, robots, dinosaurs, or explosions.
A recent Sundance favorite, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, tells the story of an unlikely friendship, the nastiness of leukemia, and the difficulties of high school.
All while Ultron destroys the city. Or not.
Could a summer movie (without any action at all) hold the short attention spans of both Jared and Shane? Well, instead of wondering about that question eternally, feel free to check out the latest Scope movie review and find out for yourselves. Honestly, you just owe it to yourselves, Scope fans!
The Scope Me and Earl and the Dying Girl movie review wouldn’t eat dried cuttlefish, even on a dare.
3 ¼ Stars – Me and Earl and the Dying GirlFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Jurassic World
June 15, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
People just love dinosaurs. And theme parks. And movies. So put them all together…what’s that spell?
Jurassic Park.
But that was twenty years ago. The future is now, people. Jurassic World is where its at. In this sequel to the beloved Spielberg classic, the dinosaur island is back up and running, with more animals and attractions than ever! (Won’t these greedy scientists and shareholders EVER learn?)
Luckily, you’ve got a rugged Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and a couple of plucky kids in the mix to make it interesting.
But was it interesting enough to capture the imaginations of Jared, Shane, and Audrey? Well, why don’t you check out the latest movie review of summer and find out!
The Scope Jurassic World movie review can fix a 23 year old car in a matter of minutes, too.
3 Stars – Jurassic WorldFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Spy
June 2, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
Let’s be honest: Melissa McCarthy prior movie work has run both hot and cold with your Scope crew. But she, along with writer/director Paul Feig, are back to give it another go with Spy.
In this send up of James Bond, Austin Powers, and Inspector Clouseau, McCarthy stars as a secret agent who’s way out of her league. But she’s determined to crack the case, no matter comedically-painful it might be.
But the real story is if Jared and Shane will even crack a smile during this eagerly-anticipated summer comedy.
So check out the latest review from your dedicated Scope hosts, won’t you?
The Scope Spy movie review may get really good about half way through.
3 Stars – SpyFeedback
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Episode 207: Joe Nobody and the Beast Machine
June 1, 2015 | Posted by: The Scope
In this very special episode of The Scope, Jared, Adam, and Shane catch up with FOTS* Luke Ski. Luke’s been up to some interesting shenanigans lately, and who’s better than your Scope hosts to get all the details? Answer: NO ONE.
*Friend of the Show
If you listen carefully to the interview, you’ll learn about Luke’s Toys “R” Us days, his cross country trip to California, and his new job at The Cartoon Network. It’s a great story that demands your full attention. So get to it, won’t you?
The Scope Episode 207 is on an all soda diet and totally into binge watching old TV shows.
Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPECategory: Episodes | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments: 1 |
What Is The Scope?
The Scope, a podcast featuring insightful conversations and timely comedy focused around culture both pop and geek, is really an opportunity for Jared, Adam, and Shane to prove to the world they are the next Internet superstars. So fire up your MP3 player and turn up the volume.
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