Episode 274: Avengers: Infinity War – Review

In this special movie review edition of The Scope, Shane wants everyone to know that the new Avengers movie will be spoiled in this episode, Jared can’t sound the claxon, and Adam has a big problem with the God of Mischief.

The Scope episode 274 must find the Chipotle stone.

4 Stars – Avengers: Infinity War

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Under The Scope | Movie Review: A Quiet Place

When The Scope thinks of suspense/thriller/monster/sci-fi filmmakers, the first person that comes to mind is Jim from The Office. So guess what? Imagine Jared and Shane’s surprise when they found out about A Quiet Place, a movie directed, co-written, and starring John Krasiniski!

Can the former paper salesperson shoulder the weight of a high-concept genre film without Pam by his side? Well, take a few minutes and listen to your Scope hosts discuss this intense film in detail!

The Scope A Quiet Place review would have dealt with the nail.

3 ¾ Stars – A Quiet Place

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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Episode 273: The Retro Food Review – Vol. 1

In this long-forgotten junk food edition of The Scope, Shane is the Crocodile Mile of fruit snacks, Jared compares skinny eggs and Keebler Tato Skins, and Adam eats Frosted Flakes with extra sugar.

The Scope episode 273 is sprayed with more vitamins.

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

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