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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Under The Scope | Movie Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction
June 26, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Let’s get this out of the way: Transformers: Age of Extinction is bad. Really bad. Worse than Go-Bots cartoon bad. And your Scope hosts, Jared and Shane, could not hide that disgust in their latest Scope summer movie review.
There’s nothing good in Michael Bay’s latest endeavor. Whether you talk about the acting, the plot, the product placement, the treatment of women, the treatment of minorities, the lack of Dinobots, or the loud, bombastic special effects…it’s all damaging to your soul.
So do yourself a favor. Skip the latest Transformers film and instead check out what The Scope has to say about it. You’ll save yourself two hours of your life and you’ll get to here Jared and Shane crackle with indignity like never before. It’s glorious. We promise.
The Scope Transformers: Age of Extinction movie review is not sponsored by the following products: Red Bull energy drink, Beats Pill Speaker, Armani Exchange, My Little Pony, Victoria’s Secret, GM, Lamborghini, Bugatti, some weird Chinese milk drink box, and most of all, Budweiser.
0 Stars – Transformers: Age of ExtinctionFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 8:04 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction |
Under The Scope | Movie Review: Obvious Child
June 4, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Not every summer movie has to have giant robots, laser guns, explosions, and super heroes. Nothing proves that more than Obvious Child, a small little Sundancey film starring former SNL cast member Jenny Slate. This picture tells the tale of a struggling stand-up comic who’s lost her boyfriend, about to lose her job, and is unexpectedly made preggers from a one-night stand with a guy that may or may not be her type.
And it’s a comedy. Really!
You’ll want to definitely check out this summer movie review because it’s fully-loaded with all three Scope hosts as well as one additional critic. Also, Shane fumbles through 2/3 of his words so mockery is in full effect. So, please, check it out, won’t you?
The Scope Obvious Child review wears weird, over-sized sweaters whenever possible.
2 ½ Stars – Obvious ChildFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: How to Train Your Dragon 2
June 3, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
It’s a family affair in the latest entry into The Scope’s Summer Movie Review-a-thon. This time around, Carrie, Audrey, and Shane take on the challenge that is How to Train Your Dragon 2. The sequel to the surprise 2010 animated film features tons more dragons, dragon training, and fire swords.
Yes, fire swords. You’ll have to see it to believe it.
Unfortunately, the review is audio only. But because Shane’s family is so powerful and, frankly, so good at movie reviewing, it really doesn’t matter. You’ll love it anyway.
The Scope How to Train Your Dragon 2 review can spit fire with the best of ’em.
3 ½ Stars – How to Train Your Dragon 2Feedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars
May 28, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Boy meets girl. Boy charms girl. Girl has cancer. Boy has cancer. WHAT A TWIST?! And that is the not-super-accurate summary of the film adaptation of John Green’s young adult best-seller, The Fault in Our Stars. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort are Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two teens who meet at a cancer support group in the heart of Jesus. Okay, it’s a rug with Jesus and his heart on it, but I’m getting distracted. Anyway, these two fall in love and live happily ever after… is probably not what happens when the story involves cancer. *sniff* What’s that? Oh, I’m just cutting some onions over here…
The Scope The Fault in Our Stars review is hoping its infinity is bigger than other reviews’ infinity.
3 ½ Stars – The Fault in Our StarsFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: A Million Ways to Die in the West
May 26, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Western comedies. Although it’s already a crowded genre*, Seth MacFarlane has decided to throw his hat into the cinematic ring with A Million Ways to Die in the West, a comedic western featuring a number of pretty talented actors. We’re talkin’ Charlize Theron, Liam Neeson, Neil Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman…just to name a few.
* It’s not really a crowded genre. In fact, it’s almost non-existent. Your Scope crew typed that up just to see if you were paying attention.
AMWTDITW is an interesting picture because Seth decided to make the lead characters act and behave almost as if they were modern day folk living in the late 1800s. So there’s an awareness that’s unusual and kind of fun.
How fun, you ask? Well, why don’t you digest this latest Under The Scope movie review and find out? It has all the answers, pardner.
The Scope A Million Ways to Die in the West movie review wouldn’t put the funniest and most surprising scene in the trailer.
2 ¾ Stars – A Million Ways to Die in the WestFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Million Dollar Arm
May 14, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope Summer Movie Extravaganza continues, full-tilt style, with a screening of Million Dollar Arm, the latest Disney feel-good sports film. The picture, starring the ridiculously good-looking Jon Hamm, tells the “true” story of an egotistical American sports agent trying to find the next great baseball pitcher in India. Yes, you read that right. India.
You can bet your sweet bippy there will be failures, successes, personal growth, and a beautiful (but tough) female protagonist that’ll definitely help Sir Jon Hamm become a better human being. And tears. Lots and lots of tears.
So slap on some pine tar, warm up that arm, and start digesting the latest review from your Scope crew. It’s at least a ground rule double. (That’s the last baseball reference of the review, for real.)
The Scope Million Dollar Arm review doesn’t understand the rules of cricket. And it doesn’t really care.
2 ¾ Stars – Million Dollar ArmFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Neighbors
May 3, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Your Scope show kicks off the 2014 summer movie season off with the acting combo you’ve been begging for: Rogan and Efron.
Yes, the dream duo of Seth and Zac headline the R-rated comedy, Neighbors. In this wacky picture, a married couple and their young baby daughter are subjected to noise, parties, and general shenanigans when a fraternity moves into the house next door.
The stakes (and the gross-out and pot humor) go to another level when Seth calls the police instead of trying to work it out with the frat-bros. Oh no they didn’t.
So buckle up, get out the sunscreen, and prepare yourself another great summer of Scope, movies, and Scope reviewing movies. It’s guaranteed to be Scopetastic. Or even Scope-a-rific. Or adequate.
The Scope Neighbors review has less back hair than Seth Rogan.
3 ¼ Stars – NeighborsFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 10:19 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Neighbors |
Under The Scope | Movie Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
April 5, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
The Marvel Cinematic Universe rolls on with the game-changing Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is back, along with Black Widow and newcomer Falcon. But something isn’t right with SHIELD, and ol’ Cap and the gang have to get to the bottom of it. It’s a madcap tale of political intrigue and conspiracy.
The Scope Captain America: The Winter Soldier review always keeps the second eye on file.
3 ¼ Stars – Captain America: The Winter SoldierFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 4:52 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier |
Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Grand Budapest Hotel
March 14, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
It’s no secret that The Scope loves Wes Anderson movies. All of the quirky charm found in his body of work is enough to melt the heart of any cold, emotionless podcaster.
So it is the Scope’s pleasure to present a review of Anderson’s latest, The Grand Budapest Hotel. It’s a complicated tale within a tale within a tale within a tale, starring a dude you really want to call Ralph (as well as almost every other actor ever featured in Anderson’s films.) The plot takes place in four different time periods…and it’s about a hotel.
More or less.But that’s all you need to know. Just do us a favor and listen to (or watch) Jared and Shane talk about this fascinating film. You won’t be disappointed.
The Scope The Grand Budapest Hotel review would make a poor lobby boy.
3 ½ Stars – The Grand Budapest HotelFeedback
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Under The Scope | Movie Review: Bad Words
March 5, 2014 | Posted by: The Scope
Not even the eternal winter cold could keep Jared and Shane away from another Under The Scope movie review. This time around, your hosts tackle Jason Bateman’s Bad Words, a film in which he was both the director and the star. If you can’t say anything nice…
To find out more about this disappointing movie and an equally bizarre screening experience (who thought a stand-up comedian was needed to prime the audience?) The Scope demands you download AND watch this immediately. While it might not be as important as, let’s say, the reboot of Heroes, it’s right up there.
The Scope Bad Words review wouldn’t waste Allison Janney’s talents.
1 Star – Bad WordsFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 6:00 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Bad Words |
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