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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Instant Movie Review: Don Jon
September 23, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
What do you get when you mix autumn movies, tons of porn and uncomfortable sex scenes, and crazy Jersey accents? You get Jared & Shane’s review of Don Jon, the latest entry in The Scope’s Fall Film Flam.
Yes, Joseph Gordon-Levitt wants to be a triple threat (he writes, directs, and stars in Don Jon) and he’s not afraid to tackle some, let’s say, difficult subject matter. But the true test will be if your Scope hosts totally dig what JGL, Scarlett Johansson, and Julianne Moore are doing in this wacky little picture. Oh, did anyone mention Tony Danza’s in it, too? Well, he is. That alone is something you don’t see everyday.
So why don’t you get to watching/listening/downloading the latest review already? Enlightenment and a lot of sexy talk is waiting.
The Scope Don Jon Instant Review isn’t slamming much of anything.
3 ½ Stars – Don JonFeedback
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Instant Movie Review: Prisoners
September 18, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
We dip into The Scope reserve forces to enlist guest host Earl to help review the latest entry in the Fall Film Flam, Prisoners. This film has everything: Hugh Jackman sporting dad hair, Jake Gyllenhaal forgetting to do laundry, Melissa Leo brewing her own root beer, Terrence Howard never getting to wear the War Machine armor, Maria Bello taking a nap, and Paul Dano’s right eye. Is the whole better than the sum of these parts? Tune in to find out!
The Scope Prisoners review would never make an intern read pretentious remarks about our artistic intent before each episode.
3 ¼ Stars – PrisonersFeedback
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Scope Instant Review: The World’s End
August 22, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
The Summer Film Slam is complete! We close out the summer movie season in solo style with the conclusion to the ‘Cornetto Trilogy’, The World’s End. Director Edgar Wright teams once again with actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost for more madcap, mixed-genre comedy adventures. This time, middle-age malaise and extended adolescence are on the table as the lads attempt to complete the Golden Mile pub crawl, culminating in a final pint at The World’s End pub. But of course, things are amiss in town, and our team’s journey is in jeopardy. Will they make it out alive, and more importantly, will you enjoy watching them try? Listen in to find out.
The Scope’s The World’s End review has always known the meaning of ‘WTF’.
3 ½ Stars – The World’s EndFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 11:03 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: The World’s End |
Scope Instant Review: The Spectacular Now
August 15, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
The Scope Summer Movie Slam is back with a very special review of The Spectacular Now. Why so very special? Well, this thoughtful coming-of-age teen drama would have made one hell of an after school special. Also, sometimes Scope contributor (and wife of Scope host, Shane) Carrie joins the crew in the mobile Scope studio for some thoughtful critique. That’s pretty special in itself, isn’t’ it?
Could this movie be one of the best of the summer? Further, could it be one of the best films of the year? Download this podcast and find out if this Sundance darling really has what it takes. Do it now, if you know what’s good for you.
The Scope The Spectacular Now instant review might buy a flask for you…if you ask nicely.
3 ½ Stars – The Spectacular NowFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 8:54 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: The Spectacular Now |
Scope Instant Review: Kick-Ass 2
| Posted by: The Scope
This edition of The Scope Summer Movie Slam brings you Kick-Ass 2, the sequel to the 2010 comic book movie, (appropriately titled, btw) Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass 2 features the further insane superhero adventures of Dave and Mindy. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Kick-Ass movie if there wasn’t tons of violence, dark humor, and severed appendages.
But the biggest question still remains: what will Shane and Jared think yet another summer sequel? Well, download the review and find out, punks!
The Scope Kick-Ass 2 instant review is amazed how many times it got to type the word “ass” in the review teaser text.
3 ¼ Stars – Kick-Ass 2Feedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 4:05 pm (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: Kick-Ass 2 |
Scope Instant Review: Elysium
August 9, 2013 | Posted by: Jared
The dog days of summer may be upon us, but that’s no excuse to not keep Scope Summer Movie Slamming away! This time around, Jared and Shane take a look at Neill Blomkamp’s followup to the well-regarded District 9, Elysium.
In this sci-fi flick, Matt Damon shaves his head and gets an exo-suit drilled into his bones in order to take on the 1% and get some universal health care. All the while Jodie Foster and Sharlto Copley try and stop him as only the privileged (and CRAZEE!) can.
This is an action movie with a message, people! But the big question is this: will your Scope hosts approve? Why don’t you all go ahead and download this bad boy and find out!
The Scope Elysium instant review wonders why Neill doesn’t have more flying cars and hoverboards in the future. Isn’t that where we’re really going, Blomkamp?
3 ¼ Stars – ElysiumFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 10:30 am (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: Elysium |
Scope Instant Review: The To Do List
July 25, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
How does one write an introduction for a Scope Summer Movie Slam movie seen almost three months ago?
That’s a good question with no real good answer. So we’ll just do the best we can, Scope Faithful.
This edition of the Slam brings you The To Do List, a teen-ish comedy starring Parks and Recreation’s Aubrey Plaza. This movie, when pitched the studios by writer/director Maggie Carey, probably was something like, “it’s an early 90s American Pie from the female perspective.” That sounds…like…it…might…be…kinda…cool, right? Right?
Go ahead and feel free to download this podcast to find out what Jared and Shane thought of this amazingly star-studded laugher. (Or look at the Scope score below this text. It’s pretty telling, truth be told.)
The Scope The To Do List instant review doesn’t remember enough of this film to have a witty ending comment for this write-up. Maybe next time.
1 ½ Stars – The To Do ListFeedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: The To Do List |
Scope Instant Review: R.I.P.D.
July 19, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
Sometimes the Scope Summer Movie Slam reviews a fantastic film. Sometimes it reviews a below average film. And sometimes, albeit very rarely, the Slam gets a gander at a film like R.I.P.D.
Thank goodness it’s only rarely.
R.I.P.D. aims to ruin the careers of Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, and Kevin Bacon. Yes, this soulless stinker of a comic book movie brings nothing new or clever to the table. Even Bridges’ attempt at “Depping it up” by creating his own version of Jack Sparrow (in this case, a quirky cowboy policeman) falls flat far too often.
Luckily, Jared and Shane took a bullet and saw this piece so you don’t have to. Please, save some cash at the box office and instead download our definitive review on hopefully the one and only R.I.P.D. movie ever made. Please, let it be the only one.
The Scope R.I.P.D. instant review will billy goat you if it gets the chance.
½ Stars – R.I.P.D.Feedback
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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: R.I.P.D. |
Scope Instant Review: Pacific Rim
July 12, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
Is there anything better than giant robots punchin’ the stuffin’ out of giant monsters? Jared and Shane attempt to answer that question in the latest Scope Summer Movie Slam review! Yeah, your Scope hosts dig into Pacific Rim, the brand new sci-fi spectacular from Guillermo del Toro. You know, he’s the director loved by all geeks everywhere. Or so we’re told.
So you better get to downloading this thirty minute mega review. Jared and Shane stomp through the critique like del Toro’s super monsters smash through a so-called indestructible sea-wall. This special edition podcast is not to be missed. Roar!
The Scope Pacific Rim Instant Review would probably just use the mega robot sword right away rather than wait until the monsters almost win. Have we learned nothing from Voltron or Power Rangers, people?
2 ½ Stars – Pacific RimFeedback
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Scope Instant Review: Despicable Me 2
July 4, 2013 | Posted by: The Scope
Hey Scope fans! The Scope Summer Movie Slam returns with a review of Despicable Me 2, the sequel to, you guessed it, Despicable Me. Steve Carell and the rest of the voice cast returns to bring life to the further adventures of Gru and Co. And to make this even more special, Audrey and Carrie join Shane in another Palmerslam edition of The Slam. So, be a sweetie and download this already!
The Scope Despicable Me 2 Instant Review never announces the name of its secret weapon before using it. That’s amateur crap.
4 Stars – Despicable Me 2Feedback
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Phone: 612-21-SCOPECategory: Episodes, Movie, Reviews | Time: 6:00 am (CST) | Comments Off on Scope Instant Review: Despicable Me 2 |
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