Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Lego Batman Movie

For The Scope’s first movie review of 2017, Jared and Shane take a look at The Lego Batman Movie, a pseudo-sequel to The Lego Movie. But this one is all about Batman, his isolated life, and his nine abs. All in lego form!

But the real question is this: can the voice cast of Will Arnett and company carry an entire Lego movie without the likes of Emmet, Unikitty, and Wylstyle? Listen to review and find out!

The Scope The Lego Batman Movie won’t be called “Bat-Boy.”

3 ¼ Stars – The Lego Batman Movie

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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 12:00 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Lego Batman Movie  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Rogue One

The December movie event is finally here! Yes, the first non-episode episode of Star Wars is in theaters now. Of course, Jared and Shane are here to give you all of the juiciest Scope reviewing details they can about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. (That’s the last time it’ll be referred to with the long, unsightly title.)

It’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan, with a new movie coming every year. But can Lucasfilm and Disney keep the quality high? Listen to the latest Scope movie review and find out.

The Scope Rogue One review wouldn’t tussle with Vader.

3 ½ Stars – Rogue One

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Rogue One  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Edge of Seventeen

Another week and another Scope movie review. This time around, Jared and Shane try to remember what it’s like to be a junior in high school whilst watching The Edge of Seventeen, a new teen-centered drama/comedy. Featuring Hailee Steinfeld, Woody Harrelson, and Kira Sedgwick, this plucky little films tells the tale of a young woman trying to deal with the many problems of growing up.

But will your Scope crew like it enough to give a solid review? Take a listen and find out!

The Scope The Edge of Seventeen review has stinky feet.

3 Stars – The Edge of Seventeen

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: The Edge of Seventeen  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Arrival

In the latest Scope movie review, Jared and Shane discuss the Amy Adams film, Arrival. In this surprising “aliens-come-to-earth-and-humans-must-communicate-with-them” movie, cerebral storytelling trumps action and mayhem.

But will your Scope hosts dig this quiet little science fiction tale? Take a listen and find out.

The Scope Arrival review respects a good M. Night twist

3 ½ Stars – Arrival

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Arrival  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Doctor Strange

A new Marvel Studios film is heating up screens across the world and The Scope is on case. This time around, Jared, Shane, and special guest, Dylan, take a critical look at Doctor Strange. Featuring British hunk Benedict Cumberbatch, this origin tale tells the story of a lesser known and extremely magical Marvel super hero.

Will this film continue the Marvel movie luck? Will audiences embrace the trippy visuals? And will the good doctor pull a rabbit out of his hat? Check out this latest Scope movie review and find out!

The Scope Doctor Strange review looks a lot better in 3D IMAX.

3 Stars – Doctor Strange

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 6:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Doctor Strange  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Deepwater Horizon

The Scope movie review team returns with their second review in a row that covers a true life accident. This time around, director Peter Berg tells the 2010 story of the Deepwater Horizon explosion/environmental disaster in the aptly named Deepwater Horizon.

Starring Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, and John Malkovich, this film is all about bad oil executives and tenacious working folk just trying to stay alive. But does this film have the ability to be more than a typical disaster flick? Well, take a listen to Jared and Shane and find out.

The Scope Deepwater Horizon review probably wouldn’t be the greatest workers on an oil rig.

3 ¼ Stars – Deepwater Horizon

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 9:27 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Deepwater Horizon  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Sully

With the summer movie season of 2016 in the rear view mirror, Jared and Shane are focused on what’s coming in the fall.

In the latest Scope movie review, they take a look at Clint Eastwood’s Sully, the true story of the 2009 plane landing called “The Miracle on the Hudson.”

Tom Hanks, playing  Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, gives it his all (as he usually does.)

But the real question is this: is there enough of a story to even make a movie out of this heroic tale?

Judging by the score, the answer may be a resounding “NO.” But it’s still worth the time to tune in and check out the first new Scope content in quite a long time. So get to it already!

The Scope Sully movie review wants you to know it’s a water landing.

¾ Stars – Sully

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Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 9:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Sully  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Central Intelligence

With the official first day of summer right around the corner, Scope show regulars Jared and Shane hit the cinema to take aim at a warm-weather film hoping to make huge box-office coin.

The movie: Central Intelligence, featuring action star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and funnyman Kevin Hart. In this “odd couple/buddy” pic, two high school friends are swept up into spy caper, replete with all the comedic trimmings one would expect.

But the real question is this: can Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hart overcome their well-known cinema stereotypes and create a film that aims higher than many of their previous outings? Well, it’s easy to find out. Just get to listening (or watching, if that floats your boat) the latest from your Scope friends!

The Scope Central Intelligence review is like chocolate Google.

3 ½ Stars – Central Intelligence

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 11:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Central Intelligence  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: X-men: Apocalypse

Yeah, we’re totally aware we’re totally behind the reviewing curve for the latest Fox/Marvel movie, X-Men: Apocalypse. But the wait will be totally worth it.

Jared and Shane break down the mutant mayhem in proper Scope fashion, covering all the details you’re dying to know.

So get to the review. It’s already a couple weeks late. No need to delay it any further!

The Scope X-Men: Apocalypse review doesn’t have a needless-but-cool Weapon-X scene.

2 Stars – X-men: Apocalypse

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 5:05 pm (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: X-men: Apocalypse  |  

Under The Scope | Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War

The summer movie season starts…in April?

Yeah, that’s right, Jared and Shane have some serious connections…and those connections are helping to get you, the loyal Scope fan, an early and exciting review of the latest Marvel movie, Captain America: Civil War.

This movie has just about every hero that ain’t named Wolverine, Batman, or Superman. It stars all the usual Marvel actors, and it’s jammed-packed with all the Marvelness you could ever demand.

But the question remains: is this a great film, worthy of a place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Well, take a few minutes and listen to your Scope hosts gab on about it. It’s 91.4% possible you won’t be disappointed!

The Scope Captain America: Civil War review is Team Cap.

3 ½ Stars – Captain America: Civil War

Email: comments@thescopeshow.com
Phone: 612-21-SCOPE

Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 9:00 am (CST)  |  Comments Off on Under The Scope | Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War  |