Episode 33: The last 90 minutes of Transformers discussion ever! Maybe! Probaby not!
July 16, 2007 | Posted by: The Scope
We close up the Transformers discussion by looking back at our Instant Review from a week and a half ago, as well as reviewing the original Transformers movie. Plus, Shane’s best week ever, E3 talk, and a CONvergence recap.
PS3 Bait and Switch?
Wii Fit
Guitar Hero 3 news, plus the Wii Guitar
XBox 360s dropping $100 for each model
MarioKart Wii and Wii Steering Wheel
Wii Zapper
Kevin Spacey rumored to return as Lex Luther in next Superman movie
Prince making everyone mad
JJ Abrams Cloverfield News
The Transformers: The Movie – 2 1/4 stars
“Droplets” – Juggling Suns
Scope Sounds: “Confidant” – Chris Ayers
Scope Poll
It’s been said that you are either a Beatles person or an Elvis person, so which are you?
- The Beatles
- Elvis Presley
Remember you can now comment via phone! Give us a call at 206-350-7056 and leave a message. Drunk Dialers Preferred. Of course you can still email us at comments@thescopeshow.com or post below.
Category: Episodes | Time: 8:00 am (CST) |