Under The Scope | Movie Review: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

The 2017 Scope Summer movie season kicks off in full gear with the film, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. In this Guy Ritchie retelling of the famous knight story, we get a little GoT, LotR, Snatch, old school Conan the Barbarian, and the video game, Soul Caliber.

But will all of these inspirations combine in a way that makes a compelling movie? Well, sit down, belly up to the roundtable (not the nerd version) and let Jared and Shane tell you!

The Scope King Arthur: Legend of the Sword loves free hat giveaways at free screenings.

1 ¾ Stars – King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

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Category: Episodes, Movie, Reviews  |  Time: 9:00 am (CST)  |  

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